Monday, October 28, 2013

Why Do They Think It's A Good Thing?

I was listening to the radio a little while ago and heard something I had to talk about.

President Obama has denied knowledge of some of the biggest and worst political scandals in many years. He denied knowledge of Fast and Furious.  He denied knowledge that the Benghazi attacks were committed by terrorists.  He denied knowledge of the IRS targeting his rivals.  He denied knowledge of the NSA spying on people and denied knowledge that the Justice Department was monitoring the phones at the Associated Press.  I think he even denied knowledge of the Justice Department monitoring the phones and e-mails of FOX News reporter James Rosen.

Democrats, the main stream media and Obama followers in general say that since he didn't know about these things before hand he's not responsible for them.  How could he be responsible if he didn't know?

If he lied; if he did in fact know about all of these things but denied it then he's treacherous.  If he truly didn't know about any of them until they were made public then he is a perfect example of completely failed leadership.  And either way he's failing the country.

Competent leaders don't allow their subordinate administrators and agencies to run wild without supervision and without knowing what they're doing.  And competent leaders don't allow numerous examples of illegal and/or immoral actions to take place and simply lie to the people about them, pretending they knew nothing about them.  Either way, whether he knew or didn't know, he's failing the country.

What I don't understand is why the media and Obamabots think his leadership failure is a good thing.  They pounced on Bush for every little mistake he made - whether real or fabricated.  But Obama gets a pass no matter what he does and no one on the left holds him accountable for anything.  How is that a good thing?

Now I'm hearing that contrary to his promises about keeping your own health care policies after Obamacare goes into effect, the White House is now saying that isn't quite true.  We already know it's not true because millions of people have already lost their coverage because of the law.  But the President promised over and over that "if you like your current policy you'll be able to keep it."  He also said that premiums will not go up and he "will sign no bill that will raise taxes."  None of those things turned out to be true. So do people still believe?

One day people are going to realize that a President who knows nothing, lies constantly to the American people and accepts no responsibility for anything isn't doing them any good.  I just hope it's not too late by the time they realize it.

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