Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How Many Things Does The President Not Know...?

After three years of the President telling us all "If you like your current health care plan you'll be able to keep it.  If you like your doctor you'll be able to keep him," we're finding out it just ain't true.  Insurance companies are cancelling individual policies - now up to 2 million - because of the restrictions of Obamacare.  Now the big question is - did President Obama know about this and, if so - did he lie or intentionally mislead the country?  And if he truly didn't know - why didn't he know?

While Valerie Jarrett, Jay Carney and other liberals are blaming the insurance companies (for complying with the law), releases from the White House today say that President Obama was unaware that individual policies would be cancelled due to changes in the insurance coverage regulations.  Really? Another major event involving the United States and the man who is in the top position in the government didn't know about it?  What does he know?

Documents show that in July of 2010 the Department of Health and Human Services quietly added language to the Affordable Care Act that basically said a person could keep their current coverage and have it grandfathered in if there were no changes to that policy between the time the law was signed and its implementation.  I personally do not believe that in the three years after that language was inserted, when President Obama spouted over and over that "you'll be able to keep your coverage" and even guaranteed it on occasion, no one informed him that he was misleading the American public by putting out false information.  If so then our country is far worse off then I thought.

In the last couple of years many things that have happened that have brought criticism and skepticism upon the Obama administration - at least from people who don't believe he does no wrong.  Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Justice Department's monitoring of the AP and James Rosen, the IRS wreaking havoc on Republicans and conservatives....  President Obama supposedly didn't know about any of these until the news broke.  (He was in a meeting on security for Benghazi just the day before the attack but the minutes of that meeting haven't been disclosed.)

If President Obama truly didn't know about any of these things until they were made public - what does he know?  He is the President of the United States and supposedly (it's somewhat doubtful these days) the leader of the free world.  And he doesn't know what's going on in his own administration?  That's a scary thought.  If he does know and lies to the American people to avoid responsibility for the things his administration does - that's a problem as well.

I don't know if he knows or not but I can tell you that I find it amazing he still has support when he claims to have not known when something bad happens.  If he is so clueless about the goings on in his administration and the country in general - why can't we just replace him with Alicia Silverstone?


  1. Comparing the President with a comedienne? Comediennes deserve better!

  2. Seems to me they should not have been touting pass it before you read it, and we all know he was briefed on most of it.

    And who would put their reputation on something they have no knowledge on?
