Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Government Shutdown And The Democrat Lies

The government shutdown is in its fifth day and polls show that more than half of Americans are still ignorant about the true reason for it.  The mainstream media, in their quest to promote and support the President they elected, echoes the words of the President and the likes of Harry Reid and blames the Republicans for everything.  Today I'll share a few facts that people who watch those "news" outlets aren't being told.

Harry Reid and the President tell falsehoods (translated lies) on national TV about the Republicans not wanting to compromise or negotiate.  The mainstream media echoes their words and spoon feeds it to the American people and low information voters believe every word of it.  But here are the facts:

The Republicans compromised from the beginning of this past week of negotiations.  In keeping with the wishes of their constituents, Republicans in the House want to repeal Obamacare.  Rather than send another bill proposing repeal of the law they defunded it.  They offered to pay for everything else in the government if the Senate would agree to defund Obamacare.  The Senate refused.

So the House then sent a bill to merely delay Obamacare for a year.  They would pay for everything else in the government if only the Senate would delay implementation of the law for a year.  Again the Senate refused.

So the House has already compromised.  They tried to keep the government open and asked to defund Obamacare instead of repeal it.  But Reid and the President refused to negotiate at all.

On Tuesday the government shutdown went into effect.  In keeping with his performance after the sequester hit, the President made sure he shut down the most public places possible to get the most attention.  Again, he blamed the Republicans for shutting down national parks, memorials, etc.  He shut down the World War II memorial in Washington DC - something that didn't set well with a visiting WW II veterans' group, who broke through the barricades and entered anyway.  He shut down the parking lot at the historical home of George Washington.  Mount Vernon is privately owned and operated but the parking lot is owned by the federal government.  He closed the Grand Canyon to tourists.  Even when Arizona Governor Jan Brewer offered to fund the staffing of it to keep it open he said no.  (Of course - Obama wouldn't accept an umbrella in a rain storm from Governor Brewer.)  And in Virginia he shut down a privately funded historical exhibit because it was inside a national park.  Even though the exhibit receives no funding from the federal government whatsoever, they were told they would have to close because they are on federal property. Then the President goes on TV and again blames the Republicans.

Recently Senate Democratic leadership refused to consider a resolution (H.R. 3220), supported by Senator Ted Cruz (R - TX) on Friday , to make continuing appropriations during the government shutdown and provide pay and allowances to members of the reserve components of the military, among other piecemeal bills proposed by House Republicans. However, the Democrats fully supported a (S.R. 266) and unanimously voted on a resolution to designate the week of October 7 through 13, 2013, as “National Chess Week."  It's shameful.

Thrusday the House sent over a separate bill that would continue funding benefits for wounded veterans. Harry Reid denied it and sent it back.  It seems Harry's answer to the Republicans is "If you won't fund Obamacare we won't let you fund anything at all - not even wounded veterans' needs.  Oh yeah - but it's your fault." People hear him deny benefits to those who have earned them the most and they still blame Republicans.  It's impossible to understand.

Personally I'm having trouble understanding why the administration won't delay Obamacare for a year as part of a compromise.  President Obama has already signed 14 laws that amend, rescind or otherwise change parts of his health care law, and he’s taken five independent steps to delay the Affordable Care Act on his own, according to a new report from the Congressional Research Service.  And implementation of it continues to be flawed by computer problems, cyber security problems and the like.  So what's the big deal of delaying the entire thing for a year until those problems are corrected?  It makes perfect sense - which is probably why the Democrats will never let it happen.

I put the fault of the government shutdown squarely on the shoulders of President Obama and Harry Reid. They are the ones who refuse to negotiate.  President Obama said the other day that he has "bent over backward trying to negotiate with Republicans."  That was right after he said "Any change to Obamacare is non-negotiable."  Apparently his definition of "negotiate" is different than the one in the dictionary.  

ne·go·ti·ate  (nəˈgōSHēˌāt/):  verb  1try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others

So how is it you can call something non-negotiable then say you're bending over backward to negotiate? Oh yeah...  he's Obama.  And as I said the other day - those who think he can do no wrong live by the motto "Let's just believe whatever he says last and go with it."

What needs to happen now, and soon, is for both parties to let go of their egos and pride and sit down together to have meaningful, productive dialogue.  It seems the one sticking point is Obamacare.  Democrats need to lighten up on it and agree to compromise - even if only for a year.  Fifty one percent of Americans do not want Obamacare implemented - so postpone it.  Bill O'Reilly has a great suggestion - make it voluntary for the next year to see how it works out.  Postpone the individual mandate and the associated fines for a one year trial period.  If it's successful we go with it.  If not - it's time to try something else.

Ah, but again I suggest something sensible.  Who am I kidding?  How many politicians are sensible?

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