Friday, October 25, 2013

Mr. President - Make Obamacare Voluntary!

While contemplating a topic this morning I was given inspiration by my wonderful wife.  She shared something posted by one of her friends about Obamacare that interested me - for more than one reason.

The post was as follows:

"I have to share this. I KNOW that the Affordable Healthcare Act is controversial. But you know what it means for me? 

The very same day I had to pay $175 for ONE monthly prescription, I discovered that I will be able to sign up for an insurance plan that will cover 90% of my medical costs for $234/month. Previously I've been quoted $580/month for a 70% plan and oh, by the way, you don't qualify anyway because of your medical history. 

The amount of relief I feel right now is immeasurable. It has been a significant source of stress worrying about having no coverage the past 10 years."

I have no problem with her post as far as getting insurance goes.  If Obamacare helps people without insurance obtain health care coverage then hey - that's perfectly fine with me.  However, it goes too far when it becomes mandatory for everyone in the United States to purchase health care insurance and when those who really can't afford it will be forced to pay a fine if they don't get it.

If a person who makes several million dollars a year and can afford to pay cash for his/her health care, including hospitalization, surgeries, etc., why should they be forced to purchase health care insurance in lieu of paying a fine?  That makes no sense at all.  One might say "So they will have to help pay for those unfortunates who cannot afford insurance."  But if they purchase a policy, even though they don't need it, they won't be fined so there goes that argument.

So let's go the other way and talk about those who make enough money to purchase insurance through Obamacare but can't afford it because of premiums combined with an unmanageable deductible which can be upward of $8000.  (Frankly - if I had to pay $8000+ deductible every year I'd see no good reason to have insurance.)  If they decide they cannot afford the insurance and still be able to meet their monthly expenses the government says "We understand your decision.  And we're going to take more of your money just because of that decision."  Yeah - the government is your friend.

So here's what I think about it.  Make Obamacare voluntary so that it can help people like Arden's friend above, and others who may be able to purchase coverage under the government run system.  But leave the rest of us alone.  If we already have insurance or we are wealthy enough that we don't need it - butt out!  

Obamacare is destroying jobs in this country.  Don't believe it?  Check with the AFL/CIO and/or the Teamsters unions.  Richard Trumka and Jimmy Hoffa both have said that Obamacare will destroy the 40 hour work week for Americans.  It is already happening.

Despite the President's claims, Obamacare is causing people to lose their private health insurance.  Hundreds of thousands have already been dropped by their companies, including personal friends of mine, because of Obamacare.  Don't believe it?  Check the news from Florida just this week, where over 300,000 people lost their Florida Blue insurance because of Obamacare.

I already mentioned the enormous deductibles in some Obamacare plans.  In addition, many people who have lost their private plans are discovering that contrary to what the President promised - any new Obamacare plan will cost them two or three times as much - in addition to the deductible.  

Mr. President - want to do the right thing for America?  Back off of the ACA as written and modify it to help those who need help while removing the rest of us from your mandate.  Your idea of helping every American obtain health care insurance would be noble - if that's what your intention was.  But you have already expressed your desire for a single-payer, government run health care system in this country and you are demanding fines/taxes from people who can't or don't want to participate in your mandated plan.  That's not noble - that's control.  In fact - the entire thing is about government control.  If not, you would consider changing it to something good for all Americans.  

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