Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A "Wings For Our Troops" Success Story

Here's my "feel good" story of the week.  It's not about a Marine who was provided with a ticket home by Wings For Our Troops.  It's about the people behind the scenes.

Those of you who read my blog on a regular basis have read about "Wings For Our Troops, In honor of CPL Chad S. Wade", the foundation that helps provide transportation home for Marines being deployed to a war zone.  It was founded by one of my friends, Tami Boyett, and her husband, Tebo, and others.

Over the weekend, Tami's sister, Paige, sponsored a golf tournament in North Carolina to raise money for "WFOT".  Most of the participants never met Chad, if any yet she was able to raise nearly $14,000!  What a wonderful, generous group of people they are.

Paige was truly proud of that accomplishment, and rightfully so, yet I don't believe it was the best part of the weekend for her.  Unbeknownst to her on Saturday morning, when she went to the golf course early in the morning she found Tami and Tebo waiting for her in surprise. And what a great surprise that must have been. Chad's mom and step-dad had flown in to be present for the tournament and to support Paige in her efforts. Now that's family love.

Tami and Paige are good friends and I'm proud of both of them.  They both are members of "the club" and have not only read my book but have helped promote it as well.  I am a proud sponsor of Wings For Our Troops and my book is featured prominently on the WFOT web page.  And for that I thank Tami very much. Please visit "www.wingsforourtroops.com" and help out if you can.  It's a noble cause for the men and women who volunteer to keep us safe.

Congratulations to Paige for her successful weekend venture.  Congratulations to Tami for the success of realizing her dream - paying it forward to those Marines she can assist.  May God bless you both and may He continue to bless America.

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