Monday, October 28, 2013

Lies Or Deliberate Deceipt?

For the last 3-1/2 years Barack Obama has been telling us "If you like your current health care plan you can keep it."  Because of the millions of people who have had their insurance cancelled in the last week or so, some people (other than Obamabots) think the President flat out lied about it.  But in all reality - he didn't lie.

In 2010, an IRS Memo actually informed IRS employees (and the President) that up to 14,000,000 (that's 14 million) private policies may be cancelled because of Obamacare IF their policies changed in any way, no matter how miniscule the change may be. President Obama was aware of this and instead of lying overtly, he merely mislead the American people by leaving out some details.  He knew that insurance policies change on a regular basis - even though those changes may not be major and the client may not even be aware of them. But those changes, regardless of how small and insignificant they may be, may cause over 14,000 000 people to lose their insurance, making it necessary for them to apply for Obamacare.

Obama said "If you like your current health care plan you can keep it."  He just left out the part about any minor changes making your policy null and void.  As my ex-wife used to say - "Not telling the whole truth is the same as lying."  But the Obama administration would never agree with that.

Obama also said that "If you like your doctor you can keep him."  But now that insurance companies are dropping doctors because they somehow don't comply with the new law - that's not true either.  Very little of what Obama promised about Obamacare has turned out to be true.  The cost for consumers is going up dramatically.  People are losing their coverage in record numbers.  The cost to the taxpayers, which was supposed to be zero, is now upward of a trillion dollars. Yet some people continue to support Obama and his health care law.  How is that even possible in the United States of America?

Megyn Kelly interviewed some liberal dweeb tonight that said "40 million Americans will  get health care coverage because of Obamacare so what's 14 million losing theirs...?)  What an idiot.  If his head was any further up Obama's butt he'd have to duck every time Obama swallowed.

Eventually, even the die hard Obamabots will realize that Obamacare is a failure and bad for the country. But by then it might be too late.  We, the conservatives, have been telling them for three years that Obamacare is a problem, a mistake, and bad for the country.  They chose not to listen until it began effecting them personally.  Those who have not been effected yet are still praising it but it won't be too long before that changes.  Obamacare will implode before the 2014 elections.  And Democrats (and RINOs) should be very, very scared about that.  Maybe that's why they're now pushing to delay the individual mandate...   ??

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