Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Dumbing Down Of America...?

In September of 2010, Senate Republicans, led by Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi, introduced a bill that would have amended the grandfather clause that had recently been changed by the Department of Health and Human Services.  Having read the Federal Register, Senator Enzi knew that millions of people would have their insurance policies cancelled upon the implementation of Obamacare.  It was right there in black and white.  Senate Democrats voted the bill down and Senator Enzi was called crazy and was said to be a fear monger.

Today we know that Senator Enzi was not only correct but tried to do something about it, only to be shut down.  The Democrats and President Obama have full ownership of this fiasco but still refuse to take responsibility, or even tell the truth about it.

The other day President Obama went on TV and flat out lied to the American people about lies he had already told.  “If you have a plan that you like…  what we said was…  you can keep it unless there are changes to it after the bill is signed into law.”  Not only did he lie about the fact that people could keep their insurance plans but he lied about what he said.  There are over two dozen different video clips of President Obama promising people they could keep their insurance plans and keep their doctors.  In none of them did he say “if your plan doesn’t change.”  In fact – in several of them he said “You can keep your plan.  Period.  End of story.”

As of 4pm yesterday afternoon the website still had a statement that said people could keep their plans if they liked them.  And there was no disclaimer on the page that said anything like “if your plan hasn’t changed since the bill was signed into law.”  Apparently whoever runs the website forgot to go back and change that little detail.  Oops.

There are those, however, that will continue to defend Obama and Obamacare even at the expense of looking stupid.  Senator Dianne Feinstein, (D) California, on Monday said that the President didn’t lie.  She said the President told people they could keep their plans unless there were changes to those plans.  She then said “according to what I understand.”  She’s either not intelligent enough to research it herself or she was simply repeating what the President said in hope that her constituents would believe it.  And since they have re-elected her numerous times I’m guessing that’s a possibility.

Liberal radio talk show host Tamera Holder was on Sean Hannity last night as part of a large, bipartisan panel discussion, which Hannity does often.  Holder told Hannity (and all of the viewers) that “President Obama didn’t lie.  He told people they could keep their plans if there were no changes.”

When Hannity pointed out that in none of the clips did the President use the word “If” her response was “Well – he said he did,” meaning he said it on Monday.  How blind do you have to be to follow someone and defend them when there is such enormous evidence against them?

The fact the President had the gall to go on national television and lie about what he said, given the numerous videos that prove otherwise, indicate that he understands that his followers, his fan base, live by the motto “Let’s just believe whatever he said last and go with it.” 

In 2010, shortly after Senate Democrats rejected the bill amending the grandfather clause to prevent policies from beseing cancelled due to Obamacare, Republicans reacted.

“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality.  Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure the people are going to ignore it.  But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” said Senator Chuck Grassley at the time.

“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case.  Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69% of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.

The worst part of this entire thing is that Senate Democrats (at the very least), the Department of Health and Human Services and yes, I believe the President himself, knew about these predicted cancellations and not only allowed them to happen but lied about it for three years.  And that absolutely includes the President of the United States.  As I said – as of yesterday afternoon the website still promised people they could keep their plans if they wanted.  No “ifs”, “buts” or “howevers”.  So unless they’ve changed it, the website says President Obama is a liar.

Of course whether or not the President lied the first time is speculative if he never admits it.  But does anyone really believe Senator Enzi read information from the Federal Register on the Senate floor, which said specifically that up to 69% of people would likely lose their insurance, and introduced a bill to change things which was voted down by the Democrats, and no one in Washington informed President Obama about it?  OK – anyone besides Dianne Feinstein and Tamera Holder?

It’s clear to anyone who isn’t publicly protecting President Obama that he lied over and over about people being able to keep their insurance policies.  The lies have been perpetrated by Democrats and liberal pundits and have been echoed over and over by his blind followers. 

Democrats in Washington are becoming worried about their futures and the election next year given the enormity of the deception and the number of people it’s going to affect – both Democrat and Republican.  Republicans running against Democrats for their seats, as well as Republican incumbents, have far worse ammunition to use against the Democrats now than the Democrats have simply blaming the government shut down on Republicans.  The President of the United States was caught in a blatant lie to the American people.  It will be interesting to see where all of this goes.  

President Obama lied about his health care bill.  He lied about Benghazi.  He says he didn't know about all of the other questionable things going on in his administration and yet, even though his approval rating is waning these days, people still love and admire him.  We've been spoon fed the love for Obama by his administration and the media and they continue to do it.  Some of us spit out the bitter tasting stuff while others swallow it readily and ask for more.  If the masses are kept misinformed and given what they need by the government they remain quiet and pacified.  More and more each day we are witnessing the dumbing down of America.

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