Saturday, November 9, 2013

Did You Know?

Did you know your health insurance policy may not be good enough? Let's say you need health insurance because you recently received a letter from your insurance company saying your policy is being cancelled because of the new "Affordable" Care Act regulations.  Your policy doesn't cover maternity care, mammograms, or provide you with birth control so the government has labeled it a junk policy and you're now required to get all that coverage.

Let's say you're 63.  And just for fun - let's say you're a man.  The government still says your plan in no good because it doesn't meet their minimum standards.  It has been serving you well for 20 years but now the government has decided you aren't intelligent enough to know what insurance coverage you want and need so they will decide for you.

The other day the President went on TV to offer some type of apology for his lies about Obamacare and the fact that he deliberately mislead the American people. What he actually said was "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me."  Not exactly an apology for lying to the people.  But did anyone really expect him to admit his lies?

Last week, when the lies about keeping your insurance plan became so apparent they could no longer be hidden from the public, the President changed his statement into yet another lie.  “If you had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn't changed since the law passed," he said on national television. But that's not what he said before.  For three years he has been saying "If you like the plan you have now you can keep it.  Period." And he accused anyone who said otherwise of lying.

President Obama may be the most dishonest President in this nation's history. He promised transparency and has done nothing but hide, mislead and outright lie to us from day one.  How he got re-elected in 2012 is still a mystery to me.

Did you know that part of the Obamacare law allows government insurance exchanges to share your personal information with the IRS and law enforcement agencies?  Think your medical records will be private?  The government has already mandated that everyone go to a computerized medical record system. With the NSA spying on practically everyone and the IRS being directly involved in your health care coverage how long do you think it will take for the government to begin accessing your medical records. They are already getting doctors to inquire whether or not you own a firearm.  How deep will they go?  It's anyone's guess.

Did you know that  Seedco, the Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation, is a national, nonprofit, community development organization that works with local organizations in low-income communities to promote economic advancement and help people move out of poverty. Seedco partners with local community-based organizations (CBOs) to provide assistance to job seekers, workers, and small business owners in disadvantaged communities. 

In December of 2012 Seedco agreed to pay $1.725 million dollars as a settlement of the civil fraud lawsuit brought by the Obama Justice Department.  Earlier this year President Obama gave this company a multi-million dollar contract to provide navigators for Obamacare enrollments.  Did you know?

Did you know that by the time it's over there will be more people in the United States who have had their insurance policies cancelled due to Obamacare than the number of people it was supposed to cover in the first place?  Estimates of the numbers that will be cancelled are now over 120 million people.  The people who didn't have insurance coverage, you know - before Obamacare, ranged somewhere between 20 and 40 million.  So 120 million are losing their coverage so 30 million can get it.  How could I not see how wonderful Obamacare is before?

Finally - did you know Tom Cruise just made a fool of himself again?  Sometime during the week Cruise said his location shoots are just like serving a tour in Afghanistan, "That's what it feels like. And certainly on this last movie, it was brutal. It was brutal."

Really, Tom?  Like serving in Afghanistan?  So tell me...  when, exactly, was it that you were filming and someone was shooting real bullets at you?  And when did one of your cast or crew step on an IED?  Maybe one of them was taken prisoner....?

Tom Cruise is a great actor but sometimes he says some really stupid things.

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