Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Obama's Biggest Lie Yet?

Over the last several years President Obama has been telling everyone in the country that Obamacare will allow everyone to keep their insurance plans and their doctors if that’s what they wanted to do.  “If you like the plan that you have,” he said over and over, “you can keep your plan.  Period!”  He insinuated that those who said otherwise were liars and that they were trying to mislead the public in order to derail Obamacare.

The mainstream media and faithful Obama supporters joined in the fight against those who would oppose Obamacare.  We were labeled racists, haters, liars, uninformed, ignorant and even unpatriotic because we saw disaster coming and weren’t afraid to tell people about it.  Then…  it happened.

On October 1st the Obamacare registration period went into effect.  Immediately there were problems.  Not only did the official web site crash within a day but people around the nation began receiving notices that their health insurance policies were being cancelled because of the required changes specified by Obamacare.  Some people had had their policies for years and suddenly they were told their insurance would be cancelled within a month or two.

The Obama administration, liberal pundits, Democrat elected officials and Obama supporters staunchly defended Obama and his health care law.  They blamed the insurance companies for the cancellations and blamed the Republicans for the problems with the web site.  (I’m not sure how they got around to that – something about rushing the implementation, without testing, because of the Republicans.  It made no sense then and it makes no sense now.) 

They began telling people the reason they were losing their health care policies was because the policies were worthless and didn’t cover enough things.  Obamacare, they said, will provide maternity care, birth control, breast cancer screenings, etc., - all these necessary things that your current policy doesn’t provide - even if you’re a 63 year old man.  How wonderful is that?

We discovered that the Obama administration paid at least $624 million to a Canadian firm whose leadership just happens to include Michelle Obama’s best friend from Princeton, who coincidentally spent Christmas at the White House not too long ago.  The software firm, CGI, had recently been fired by the Canadian government for producing less than satisfactory products.

Journalists not on the President’s cheerleading team, who actually practiced journalism and investigated Obamacare, discovered in an obscure report, buried in a June 2010 edition of the Federal Register, that administration officials had predicted massive disruption of the private insurance market.  White House spokesman Jay Carney said recently that these cancellations would affect only about 5% of the population and indicated that people were making far too big a deal about it.  But 5% of the population is about 15 million people.  Are they no big deal, Jay?

But the Federal Register also predicts that in the coming year(s) up to 51% of employer based health care plans will also be cancelled.  The new estimate takes the total number of plans cancelled up to somewhere between 93 and 140 million.  That could be nearly half the population of the United States.  And many believe it’s by design.  And by the way - I hate to say I told you so but geez - we did tell you.  And you said we were crazy.

The Obama administration then went into its predictable and familiar mantra…  “The President was unaware that this was going to happen.”  That is, until documentation became public that a meeting was held in the White House concerning the President’s continued statements that people could keep their coverage.  It seems White House Aides said the President could be making a mistake by telling people they could keep their coverage without a disclaimer and the White House policy advisers told them to shut up because telling the truth could hurt Obamacare and the President.  So a conscious decision was made that the President would intentionally mislead the public until the implementation of Obamacare this year.

With even Democrats and some of his staunchest supporters beginning to question his honesty, yesterday the President decided it was time to do a little damage control.  Over the last three years he has been repeating, over and over, things like “If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan.  Period.  No one will take it away.  No matter what.”

That’s pretty direct and to the point.  There are video recordings all over the television and the internet that clearly show him making these statements.  However, yesterday he made a statement concerning the cancellation of policies and what he had told Americans over and over.

“Now, if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed.” 

Really, Mr. President?  You said that?  Can you please find and produce one video or transcript that proves you said that?  Because we, the American people, can produce dozens of videos and transcripts which show you didn’t.

The President may have told his biggest lie to date yesterday.  OK – maybe not.  The "video" lie about Benghazi was worse because four people died.  But remains to be seen how many people will die because of Obamacare and the cancellation of their insurance policies.  It could be thousands.  But don’t expect the President to take any responsibility for it.  He’ll continue to blame the insurance companies and the Republicans.  There is one positive note though…  this is one of the very few times he hasn’t tried to blame George W. Bush.

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