Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The New Pledge of Allegiance?

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the New United Nations and the struggle for new world order, and to the socialist doctrine for which they stand;  one government - one mindset, under secular humanism, inflexible, with equal income for commoners, forced equality of outcome and moral relativism for all.

Sound like an odd pledge of allegiance?  Sound like something you’d never hear in the United States?  Well, don’t be so sure.  If you pay attention to many liberals these days, this is exactly what they are trying to achieve, not only here in the U.S. but worldwide.  One world order; a socialist government in which everyone is equal (except the leaders, who are normally very wealthy and tyrannical and who rule with an iron fist); equal income for those who are not in positions of power; no religion, no God because that means people would be thinking for themselves and believe in something besides government; no one would be permitted to produce more than anyone else (equality for all) but then – no one would be permitted to produce less than anyone else; and everything would be about being moral and being fair to everyone, even as your government screws you right and left.

It amazes me how anyone would welcome this type of government, and/or even a communist government, but there are people in our society who want just that.  Several of them have even been placed in positions of power in the current administration, albeit, not for long in most cases. 

Van Jones, Obama’s choice for Green Job Czar, was forced to resign after his past involvement with Marxist and communist organizations was made public.  He’s an admitted communist who basically said he’d put his personal beliefs on hold until it was prudent to make them public again. 

Donald Berwick, Obama’s appointee to head Medicare and Medicaid, is a socialist who not only believes medical care should be run by the government but is a very vocal advocate of rationing care to save money. 

Anita Dunn, Obama’s choice for Communications Director, told a group of school kids that her favorite political philosopher -- someone she turns to most is Red Communist Leader, Mao Tse Tung (along with Chiang Kai-Shek.)  She eventually resigned from the position again, after these statements were made public.  But her husband became Obama’s chief counsel when she resigned.

Cass Sunstein, Regulatory Affair Czar wants your wealth, energy, guns, meat, radio, internal organs, email and internet to submit to Obama rule.  Mr. Sunstein is an advocate for censuring free speech to prevent people on the right from expressing their views in opposition to the left.  He wants to remove conservative talk radio from the airwaves and if that’s not possible, at least reinstitute the “Fairness Doctrine” to ensure the left has “equal time on the airwaves.”  Since left wing talk radio continues to fail nationwide, Sunstein wants to use the government to force radio stations to air left wing views, even if they (the radio stations) lose vital advertizing dollars which keep them on the air.

Mark Lloyd, FCC Diversity Czar wants to shut down all non-progressive media.  Lloyd praises Hugo Chavez’s “glorious revolution” in Venezuela, including his systematic takeover and closing of media outlets who opposed him.  He indicates he would like our government to do the same thing since about 90% of talk radio in the United States is conservative. 

I could go on.  There are others in the current administration who are either communists, Marxists or socialists but I think you get the picture.  At least, those of you who are reading this with an open mind get the picture.  Those who are in favor of the type of government I am describing don’t understand what the problem is. 

The Senate is now trying to do away with the method for the minority party to voice their opposition to something and stop it from going through.  The current rules say the Senate must have at least 60 votes for a majority decision and has the filibuster to enable those who are opposing a bill to voice their opinions and even stop something from going ahead.  It has worked for 200 years.  As you read this, Democrats are in the process of trying to do away with these accepted procedures in favor of a simple majority vote, 51 to 49, so they can push bills through without opposition while they hold the majority on the floor.  They do not want the minority to be able to challenge them on anything and are trying to “fix” things in their favor.  I wonder if they’ve thought it through, however.  If they push this through and approve it, then one day lose the majority, which is inevitable in the long run, they will have to live with the new rules they have made.  I suppose they think they’ll never lose the majority but I think they need to check history.

There you have it.  This is simply my opinion of where we could be headed if the right (or wrong) people remain in power.  Let us hope the new Congress makes good on their campaign promises (not looking good so far) and works to turn the government back in a conservative direction.  We can only hope it’s not too late.


  1. Communists, Marxists, and socialists? Oh, my!
    Equal income for those not in positions of power?! Treating everyone as equal?! Why that is ludicrous... I mean, that would be downright Christian, wouldn't it?

  2. Actually, no. There is nothing in Christianity that dictates all people have to be treated equally when it comes to income. Do you believe a man who picks up your trash or cuts your grass should get paid the same as the doctor who cares for your family? Or maybe the guy who sprays the bugs off the front of your car at the car wash should get paid the same as the manager of your local supermarket? How about the teenage clerk at McDonalds making the same amount of money as his manager? That sounds pretty ludicrous to me. But then, I live in the real world. And by the way - under communist governments religion is normally not allowed so the "Christian thing to do" isn't the thing to do...
