Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Muslims Are Above The Law Of The Land"

At an Islamic rally in Austin, Texas, earlier this year, a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) leader told a crowd that members of the Islamic faith should not be bound by American law.  “If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” said Mustafa Carroll, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth CAIR branch.

The rally in Austin was part of a nationwide effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events. The event included a speech by a representative of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, who declared that Texas was an awful place and that Islam was the answer.

“Why did Muhammad say that he would not rest until the Koran was the law of the land?”

“Islam does not have Texas in the current condition, the current socio-political condition that Texas is in. What is this condition that Texas is in? Why is Texas on the brink, when you look at Texas in comparison to 50 states, education, percent of population graduating from high school is 46, high school completion rate is 46, the scholastic assessment rate, the SAT score in Texas is 47, the percentage of population with no health insurance in Texas is first, those without health insurance Texas is first. When you look at the state of a child in Texas, the percentage of uninsured children, Texas is first… etc etc

You shouldn’t be filing legislation against Islam.  When you look at Texas, Islam is not the problem. Islam is the solution. Allah Akbar.”

Now, there are those who would say that these are only the opinions of two men and do not represent Islam as a whole.  But I would ask you this – how many people in the crowd who heard these words stood up and disagreed or challenged them?  How many of those listeners decried the notion that Islam should be the law of the land in Texas and in the United States?  Want to make a bet that no one did?

The world’s obsession with political correctness and their ridiculous need to avoid offending Islam in any way is quickly leading to Islamic takeover of country after country.  Take a look at the riots in England these days because the British citizens are telling the Muslims, and the British government, that they will not be taken over.  It’s time the British government realize what’s happening or soon there will be no British government.

President Obama has already demonstrated his loyalty to Islam on more than one occasion.  During his “apology tour” in the Middle East and Europe after his election he remarked about America not being a Christian nation but also a Muslim nation, and he praised Islam for all it has done for the United States.  He assisted the Muslim Brotherhood in seizing control of Egypt.  Soon after that happened, that same Muslim Brotherhood declared Israel, our close ally and friend, to be their number 1 enemy.  Obama then sent F-16 fighters and other military equipment to Egypt.

The Obama administration is seriously debating whether or not to arm Syrian rebels in their fight against Bashar Hafez al-Assad.  The only problem is – those rebels are backed and manned by Al Qaeda.  So Obama is going to begin arming our enemy?

Look at what is happening in Michigan right now.  Public schools do not allow Christians to meet in the schools and have banned passing out Christian literature under the demands of CAIR, yet at the same time they have approved certain areas for Muslims to hold prayers and allow for liberal absences of Muslims on Fridays for Jumah Prayers.  Why is it political correctness when applied to Islam seems to always be in their favor?

“I think you can only blame Hamas for so long. It takes two to tango. And I think, you know, that what we’ve heard for a number of years is this terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, was not just Hamas.”

Herman Mustafa Carroll had defended terrorists in the past, perhaps on the same theory that Muslims are superior to the law of the land.  A few years ago he was quoted as saying:  “Look at the true cause of the terrorism. It’s not somebody is reading a book, reading a Quran, and then go out and say, ‘Well, the Quran told me to blow this up. I’m gonna blow it up.’ The cause, the root cause of terrorism is oppression. The root cause of terrorism is oppression.”

Really?  And what is Islam if not oppression?  It is the oppression of women.  It is the desired oppression of anyone who does not follow Islam. 

The American people need to wake up to the truth about Islam soon.  Political correctness will be the downfall of the United States of America if we, the people, allow it to happen. 

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