Friday, August 30, 2013

President Obama - Putting His Mouth Where His Money Is

To the rest of the world, if Vladimir Putin says "Don't cross the red line" it means "You will be looking at military action immediately." To the rest of the world, when Benjamin Netanyahu says "Don't cross the red line" it means "You will be looking at military action immediately."  To the rest of the world, when President Obama says "Don't cross the red line" it means "If you do - I'll tell..."

Not that I want Obama to attack Syria.  Fighting Al Qaeda on other fronts and aiding them in Syria makes no sense whatsoever. Helping them attain power in Syria would be beyond crazy.  Yet we are already arming them with weapons.  I wonder how long it will be before some of those weapons are used to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan?  Can you say "Fast and Furious?"

Regardless of what politicians and some pundits say - there still is no concrete evidence that Assad used the chemical weapons.  So restraint at this time is prudent.

President Obama is known for making remarks that come back to haunt him.  "I don't have all the facts but the police acted stupidly," is one great example. Maybe before he draws that red line he should take the time to think through the consequences and follow-up if the world doesn't cower to his words.

He still believes he is the world leader and that everyone does what he wants. That's simply not the case. By his own hand he has lowered our standing in the world - so much so that today Russia, Iran, Syria, Egypt and China (to name just five) show no real respect for him and couldn't care less what he wants.  Edward Snowden is a great example of Russia's contempt for Obama.  Putin refused to hand Snowden over to Obama.  And it gets worse.

“The West behaves towards the Islamic world like a monkey with a grenade,” Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin wrote on Twitter.  Obviously they don't think much of his foreign policy either.

If the President had begun his administration on a strong note rather than apologizing to the world he'd have more credibility worldwide.  Bush may not have done everything right but at least the world had a healthy fear of the United States during his administration.  They knew not to mess with us - particularly after 9/11. They had pushed too far and he let them feel our wrath.  And we stayed peaceful for a long time afterward.

When Ronald Reagan had problems with Libya he bombed Ghadafi's palace and killed his nephew.  Ghadafi wasn't heard from again until Obama took office.  

When Obama took office he went to the Middle East and apologized for America's presence in the world.  Look where we are now.

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking Syria is only a stepping stone in the Obama regime, I think this event is a set up for something bigger, and it will be aimed at Israel.
