Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Case - part 2

I’ll most likely irritate some people with this but I think it needs saying. It’s time that our administration live up to some of the promises they’ve made.

Maybe I just haven’t heard it yet but I searched for it on Google this morning and found nothing. I’ve watched FOX, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS and have seen nothing about it. I’ve looked at the local newspaper and checked all the internet sights I can think of but as yet haven’t found anything about it.

What is it, you ask? I’m looking for the article in which the President and Attorney General Eric Holder denounce the New Black Panther Party’s putting a bounty on the head of George Zimmerman. I’m waiting for their condemnation of NBP leader, Hashim Nzinga, for offering $10,000 for the “capture of George Zimmerman” and his being turned over to the NBP. Nzinga also stated publicly that Zimmerman “should be afraid for his life.”

Why am I waiting for the President to this? There are two very simple reasons. First – he likes to insert himself personally into things such as the Henry Louis Gates arrest, the Sandra Fluke incident involving Rush Limbaugh, and yes, even the Trayvon Martin killing. And he has called for an end to violent rhetoric and said he would “lead by example”. Yet when the New Black Panthers, the same group accused of voter intimidation during the 2008 election (charges later dropped by Eric Holder) puts a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman because they have already judged him guilty of murder, there is no comment from the White House. Why is that?

Jesse Jackson has denounced the New Black Panther Party and the bounty. Trayvon Martin’s family has denounced any and all violent protests, seeking only answers and justice. Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and President Obama have remained noticeably quiet about it. Some may say the President shouldn't get involved in things like that but if he inserts himself into the story then the least he can do is denounce this type of commentary by the NBP,

Some people believe George Zimmerman is a vigilante. I don’t know if he is or isn’t – we still don’t have all the facts. But even if he is, isn’t the act of putting a bounty on his head by a private group also vigilantism? Is one any better than the other?

I did agree with President Obama’s remarks the other day concerning the case. "I think [Trayvon's parents] are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves, and we are going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened." Rather than take “the police acted stupidly” approach, the President was cautious not to voice any conclusions. Good for him. I’m sure he has an opinion, as most of us do, and our opinions might actually be very similar. But the New Black Panther Party thing is where we apparently part ways. As the President of the Unites States who has already made a public statement concerning this incident, Obama needs to step up and denounce the actions of the New Black Panthers. He needs to bring Eric Holder with him and together they need to let Americans know this type of violent rhetoric and action will not be tolerated.

The ball is in your court, Mr. President. Do the right thing.

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