Saturday, June 25, 2011

Handshakes For Our Troops - A Simple Thank You

I was talking to a friend on Facebook last night and was reminded of something I thought I’d share.

For over three years now, every chance I get I shake hands with service members I see, be it in airports, stores, on the street and even in restaurants. I got the idea from watching a news story about a gentleman who goes to an airport (I don’t remember which one) and greets the troops as they get off of the plane. The man is retired and in his 70s yet every day he goes to the airport and meets the military charters just to welcome them home. The story got to me and I decided I could show my appreciation as well.

Having spent 8 years in the Air Force myself, I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for anyone who volunteers to join the service. It’s especially meaningful during wartime when people join the military knowing there’s a good chance they’ll be sent into the hostilities. The fact that they still volunteer knowing what could happen makes them all heroes in my book.

My technique is simple and rewarding. I just walk up to them, gain their attention, put out my hand and say “Thank you.” That’s it. What’s most rewarding for me is their reactions. Many say “You’re welcome” and smile. But others, the ones who touch me the most, say “Thank you”. They appreciate being recognized and are genuinely grateful for my gesture. Every military person I have greeted in this fashion has smiled, shaken my hand and been happy to have been acknowledged. And it gives me great satisfaction to do it.

So that said, do I do it for them or for me? I suppose the answer to that question would be “Yes”. I do it because I enjoy seeing the smiles on their faces when I thank them and I do it because I am genuinely thankful and grateful for what they do. And I do it for me because it feels good to make someone’s day like that, out of the blue. I guess it’s getting more and more popular to thank a military person these days but most of them are still obviously surprised. And I’m guessing that more than one of them has gone home later that day and said to his/her family “This guy walked up to me in the airport/store/restaurant today, shook my hand and said ‘Thank you.’ Then he walked away. I’ve never seen him before but it was really nice of him.” At least, I hope that’s what they say.

I’d like to start a new organization today. This one won’t cost anything and needs only dedicated volunteers. It’s called “Handshakes For Our Troops – A Simple Thank You.” Want to join me?

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