Friday, February 18, 2011

Tiger Fined For Spitting

A few days ago golfing great Tiger Woods was fined an unknown amount of money by the European Tour for spitting on the green during the Dubai Desert Classic. Apparently spitting on the green is against the rules for professional golfers.

I can understand it, I suppose. If someone’s spit lands on the green and it doesn’t soak in it could definitely be a health hazard for anyone coming behind whose ball might roll through it. Not to mention that it’s somewhat disgusting to watch. But fined?

Golf is the gentlemen’s game and is supposed to be refined and polite. Although the cameras sometimes catch a mouthed profanity (darn those close-ups) when a golfer makes a bad shot they are said quietly and few people actually hear them. And that’s a good thing I guess, although the game would be far more entertaining if some of the players were more like Happy Gilmore. Can you imagine a couple of golfers getting into a fistfight on the fairway somewhere? Blood, cursing, maybe losing a shoe…? I think they’d sell a lot more spectator tickets if golf got a bit more like professional wrestling. But that’s just me.

Anyway – Tiger was fined for spitting on the green. One can’t help but wonder what the fine is for that. But if you’re fined for spitting, I can only imagine what the penalty would be for farting on the tee…

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