Thursday, January 20, 2011

Does Truth Matter Anymore?

Almost two weeks after the tragic shootings in Tucson, and more than a week after most of the left-wing media and even some left-wing bloggers stopped blaming Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and others on the right, I’m still reading columns and blogs that are continuing the hateful rhetoric against the right and still accusing them of culpability for the actions of a mad man. I find myself wondering if truth matters in the minds of some people.

The more deeply authorities delve into the mind and background of Jarod Loughner the more obvious it is that he has mental health issues that have nothing to do with politics. I could go on about his left-wing beliefs, such as hating George Bush, hating religion, anti government, flag burning, etc., but I’m not here to blame anyone except Loughner, nor should I be. No political party, pundit or talk show host was responsible for Loughner’s actions, from either side. Loughner is mentally ill. His documented planning of the incident indicate that he is not insane by any means, but I think you have to be mentally ill to carry out the act he did. And I hope he gets the treatment he needs, while living in prison.

It worries me that people are not only quick to blame one side or another for a tragedy of this type, but continue to blame even after the facts prove there is nothing to the allegations. I have one acquaintance who blames practically all violence in any political arena on the right and cites various sources as factual. He cites the increase in threats toward Congressmen and Senators since 2008 as evidence yet seems to forget left wing violence, even bombings of Federal targets and law enforcement agencies by the Weather Underground years ago. He says since that group no longer exists it is irrelevant. I contend those people are still out there, they’re simply lying dormant right now but he calls that simple speculation not based in fact. In his world all the violence is from the right and the right only.

James Fuller, a victim of the shooting and a professed liberal, during a town hall meeting took a picture of Trent Humphries, the leader of the Tucson Tea Party who was speaking about gun control, and yelled “You’re dead!” He was promptly arrested and referred for a mental health examination. I see people commenting about it who say “Leave the man alone. He was shot. He’s been through a lot and just needs some rest.” Yet I guarantee if he threatened a liberal politician the fact that he’s been shot and has been through a lot would be completely irrelevant. Those on the left would be calling for his imprisonment and again blaming the right for the violent rhetoric.

The bottom line here is that no matter what you read, no matter who you listen to on the radio or television, no matter what videogames you play or movies you watch, no matter what music you listen to – you are responsible for your own actions. Rush Limbaugh has the top rated talk radio show in the country, Sean Hannity is #2 and Glenn Beck has the number three show. They all have millions of listeners. Despite what critics say none of them ever advocate violence against others and, in fact, say specifically that violence should never be the answer and is certainly no solution. Yet there are those who blame these people, along with Sarah Palin and others, of inciting violence and say Jared Loughner was influenced by them despite overwhelming evidence that it’s simply not true. If these talk show hosts were communicating and advocating violence against liberals, and people were actually listening to them and carrying out that violence, don’t you think there would be a huge increase in political violence in this country?

It’s time for people on both sides of the political spectrum, and everyone in between, to focus on facts and stop pointing fingers where they shouldn’t be pointed. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I don’t ask anyone to change theirs based on mine. But I do ask them to think about the facts before they accuse people of something abhorrent. We have enough violent acts in this country that defy logic. We don’t need unsubstantiated blame thrown around so carelessly. It serves no purpose but to foster the hate that’s already there.


  1. Glen, what Beck and others use is code words. Just like they've used for years with Blacks. You people, them, they and on an on. It's stupid to blame anyone but the shooter of this unforgiveable act, but those you speak of use indirect code words to spout their hate. The next time I listen to one of those radio spots, I am going to point out some of them I know to be code words and also offensive.

  2. Harrold, I'm truly surprised at you. Code words? So Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin, they are all closet haters who are deliberately trying to incite violence against others? I don't know if you really believe that but I wonder, if they do it are the ones on the other side guilty as well? Or is it only coded speech on the right that is dangerous while people like Matthews and Olberman spout their hate speech openly and that's different?
