Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Memorial Day

Every few years I write about Memorial Day and its meaning. Many people really don't understand what it means.

Memorial Day is not about living veterans. That day is Veterans' Day. Memorial Day is not about recognizing all Americans currently serving in the military. That day is Armed Forces Day. Memorial Day is about those service members who never made it home.

Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and her people. It's about remembering those who gave their lives in service to us all. It's a day we veterans honor because it's about our brothers and sisters who never returned from the battle. We honor their service and the price they paid.

I'm not going to write a long narrative about it. I'll end with this. While you're celebrating the holiday – taking the day off, going to the beach, barbecuing in the backyard, taking the kids someplace special, etc., think about the reason you have the freedoms you have. Many military members have died in your lifetime protecting those freedoms. So while you're celebrating on Monday, say a prayer of thanks and comfort for their families. We owe them all.

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