Wednesday, March 31, 2021

How The Left Promotes Racial Division and Hate

This is Brandon Elliot. He was recently arrested for a brutal, unprovoked assault on an elderly Asaian woman in New York City that left her hospitalized. Several bystanders in local businesses, including a security guard, witnessed the incident and were able to assist police in their search for Elliot but none intervened to stop the assault. Fortunately, security cameras also witnessed the incident.

Elliot, a black man who was convicted of stabbing his mother to death in 2009 and was released from prison in 2019, has been charged with felony assault, and felony hate crimes are currently pending.

The main stream media headlines speak of Elliott's arrest but most say nothing of his skin color or ethnicity until later in the reports. If this picture showed a white man as the perpetrator of this crime every news headline would begin with "'White man" or "'White Supremacist' assaults elderly Asian woman in what appears to be a hate crime!"

Sadly, this is the United States we live in today. The aftermath of the recent mass shooting in a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, was that the main stream media, Democrat politicians, and at least one family member of Vice President Harris blamed the shooting on a white man. Following the shooting, Meena Harris, a niece who has tried to be in the limelight since the election, took to Twitter to say "Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country," assuming the suspect was a white man. Except he wasn't, exactly.

The suspect, who was wounded in a gun fight with police and arrested, has light skin but is a Syrian born Muslim who has lived in this country since childhood. Reports say his social media page(s) show anti Trump, pro Muslim posts... not exactly your redneck, white supremacist suspect. But that makes no differece. Light skin shooter - automatically white and racist. Facts don't matter.

Early last week a white man took a handgun and killed eight people in three different massage parlors in Atlanta. Six of the victims were Asian women and two, a men and a woman, were white. Another man, Hispanic, was also shot and critically injured. The suspect, who has allegedly confessed to the shootings, said it wasn't racially motivated but instead because of a sexual addiction that triggered his hatred. Yet the media made it all about race and ethnicity.

The media used to wait for evidence and clear information before reporting details of any news incident. In their haste for headlines and sensationalism, many "news" agencies today will say anything, speculation or not, and sometimes walk back the stories when real facts are introduced. Sometimes. Social media outlets are worse.

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