Sunday, March 21, 2021

Fighting Pelosi's Power Grab


I find it interesting that Nancy Pelosi installed metal detectors inside the Capitol building and created House Rule 73, which forces all House members to pass through a metal detector prior to entering the chamber to "prevent guns from being brought into the chamber." Pelosi added that " the threat is from within." Does she really believe one of her Republican counterparts wants to bring a gun to work and shoot her? Really?

Nancy Pelosi installed a barrier fence with razor wire around the Capitol Building and brought 15,000 national guard troops to man it following what the left likes to calll "the insurrection" on January 6th and plans to leave them there for an undermined amount of time. "Insurrection" is a convenient and divisive word but it's ridiculous.

Insurrection, by definition, is "an organized, violent action, taken by a large group of people against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office."

If that was the intent of the rioters on January sixth they were vastly underprepared, unarmed, unplanned, and the "insurrection" had absolutely no chance of success. The Capitol has armed security who would have, in case of a serious armed insurrection, used firearms against the violence and hundreds would have died. That didn't happen.

President Trump offered the Capitol Police some national guard troops days before the incident but was told no because it would be a bad visual. The FBI knew about a possible march on the Capitol before it happened and informed the Capitol Police (and no doubt Speaker Pelosi) but the response by the Capitol Police on that day was a failure.

The incident that day was some pre-planned violence by some people and a lot of spontaneous violence by people who got caught up in the moment and became a part of the problem. They didn't march on the Capitol to overthrow the government. Those who still think that have great imaginations but they're not thinking clearly. Those people did it mostly because they felt they were being ignored. And they not only scared our elected officials but the media.

Some House members want to be able to carry firearms for personal protection on the House floor. Except it would require a change to federal law. It is currently a felony to be in possession of a firearm inside a federal building unless you are on duty law enforcement or military. House members are not legally allowed in the Capitol carrying a firearm.

For Pelosi to pretend that House Republicans want to kill her or others is simply theater with no basis in reality. Yet she makes people believe the threat is real. It has not happened and will not. She's lying to the people to increase her own power. And the media is helping her do it.

Republican Representatives Louie Goehmert (TX) and Andrew Clyde (GA) have both defied the order since it was made official. Goehmert has been fined $5000 by Pelosi for one instance and Clyde $15,000 for two instances. Clyde says he did it intentionally to have the basis for a lawsuit against Pelosi as he believes the new rule violates his Constitional rights.

It is also rumored that national guard troops will soon be sent home since no credible threat against the House and Senate have been identified. I think we all knew that to be the case but Pelosi wanted to milk the January 6th riot, which is all It was, for everything she could. We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Glen. Pelosi and her crap bag of supporters value power above all else, and their reaction to the "insurrection" is part of holding on to that power. I hope Clyde sues the hell out of her.
