Monday, July 8, 2013

Toward Globalism and the End Times?

In the Bible, in the 7th chapter of Daniel, is a prophecy of four great kingdoms that will rise up on the Earth and will be leading the world as the second coming of Christ approaches.  Daniel saw four beasts – a lion with the wings of an eagle, a bear, a leopard and a 10 horned beast.  Interestingly, in modern times these four beasts appear to be defined as:

Lion with eagle’s wings – Great Britain and the United States; since the United States was formed from 
Great Britain.
Bear – Russia
Leopard – Germany
10 horned beast – the Holy Roman Empire recreated.

One can claim that the symbols for the four countries are mere coincidence but what a huge coincidence it would be.  For Daniel to prophecy the symbols of four of the leading countries of the world well over 2000 years ago would be quite a coincidence.

These four nations/kingdoms were prophesied by Daniel long before John’s prophecy in The Revelation.  They had not joined together as one in Daniel’s vision.  In Revelation 13, John sees the same four nations/kingdoms joined together as one in a beast with the head of a leopard, the feet of a bear, the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave the beast its power.  This prophecy is believed to mean that those four nations/kingdoms (and many others in the world) will one day join together under a global government that rules them all.  And it seems we’re headed that way now, slowly but surely.

Globalization, the entire world coming together under one government, has been meticulously planned for years.  As early as 1935, Franklin Roosevelt re-engineered the back of the dollar bill and had “Novus Ordo Seculum” (New World Order) put on the bill under the pyramid.  Roosevelt was a driving force behind the formation of the United Nations.

In 1946, William Benton, Assistant Secretary of State under Harry Truman, helped organize the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN).  Its purpose is stated as “to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the UN Charter.”  Benton told UNESCO that families and family teachings were the causes of extreme nationalism and that schools should be utilized to re-educate children to the world view over nationalism.

The Council of Foreign Relations was first headed by James Warburg, a German-born American banker was well known for being the financial adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt.  His father was banker Paul Warburg, the "father" of the Federal Reserve System.  In 1950, Warburg told the CFR  "We shall have world government, whether or not we like it.  The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest."

In 1957, the countries of Europe formed the Common Market to make trade easier among the countries.  In 1999 they created the European Union, basically doing away with borders and having one common currency, the Euro Dollar.

During his Presidency in 1991, George H. W. Bush, said “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders.”  (They haven’t done much to be ‘credible” lately, Mr. President.)  Bush was a member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.

In 1992, Strobe Talbott wrote an article for Time Magazine about the birth of the new global government.  Bill Clinton appointed him to the State Department the following year where he stayed for seven years.  When he left in 2000 he became the head of the Brookings Institute, an ultra-liberal Washington think tank.  In 2002, Susan Rice became a senior fellow at Brookings and in 2006, when Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President she became his campaign advisor on foreign relations.  When he was elected President, she became the new ambassador to the United Nations.

In 1992 there was an Earth Summit designed to bring environmentalism to the forefront and sell the idea of global warming so the world can pass international environmental laws designed to lock all nations together.  The Toyoto Treaty was created to obligate signing nations to adopt certain laws and commit themselves to those laws.

In 1994, Bill Clinton helped form NAFTA and the World Trade Organization.  Each of these organizations, treaties and meetings was created and executed to bring nations together and help move the goal of one world government forward. 

The United Nations has done nothing of value, in my humble opinion, and should be disbanded.  National sovereignty is the only thing that will help people continue to remain free.  If the United States gives up its sovereign power to the United Nations, as President Obama and the State Department seem bent on doing, we are done as a nation and as a free people.  Globalization will lead to global socialism or tyranny.  Some people forget that there will always be a person of wealth and stature in charge.  When all peoples of the world are equal then only those in government will have wealth and power.  Is that really what you want?

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