Friday, May 24, 2013

I've Broken No Laws - But I Plead The 5th...

I feel compelled to write something about the IRS scandal and Lois Lerner, the former head of the tax exempt division, who is currently in the process of “testifying” before Congress concerning her role and influence in the targeting of conservative groups for “more scrutiny” and seemingly unfair practices concerning their tax exempt statuses.

On Wednesday, Ms. Lerner went before Congress and stated that she had done nothing wrong and had not broken any laws – just before claiming 5th amendment rights and refusing to answer any questions.  I wasn’t the only one who thought her actions were not only wrong but somewhat unbelievable.  She basically told Congress her side of the story then claimed her 5th amendment right, preventing them from any cross-examination of her testimony. 

In my humble opinion, she waived her 5th amendment rights as soon as she began telling her side of the story and Congressman Darryl Issa should have held her in contempt of Congress.  How bad can that be?  I’m in contempt of Congress on a regular basis!

I’m not sure what good it would have done, however.  If Ms. Lerner is charged with a crime, be it obstruction, contempt, or even perjury, she will have to be prosecuted by the Holder Justice Department.  So the entire thing would most likely be a waste of time and money. 

One must ask why Ms. Lerner would claim she did nothing wrong and had broken no laws then refuse to answer questions because she could incriminate herself.  How can you incriminate yourself if you’ve done nothing wrong?  I’m not sure how that works.

During an official investigation, federal employees, as a condition of employment, are required to cooperate and answer questions.  When I worked for the government, if I would have claimed 5th amendment rights during an investigation I would have immediately been put on administrative leave or home duty or something until a determination was made in my case.  I would probably have been formally charged.  It took over 24 hours for Ms. Lerner to be placed on administrative leave – and I’m sure it was only done because of the outcry from the public.

Making matters worse, in my opinion, is that Ms. Lerner has been appointed to head the IRS department that will be over Obamacare.  So a woman who is suspected of targeting conservatives (strictly non-partisan according to the IRS) will be in charge of deciding who gets certain health care benefits?  Gee – that makes me feel safe and secure.

In other news – President Obama has announced he will appoint Eric Holder to investigate the Justice Department’s seizing of phone records of journalists and their families in the national security investigation involving the Associated Press.  Mr. Holder, who last week recused himself from the case and said he really has no knowledge of it because his Assistant Attorney General is in charge of the investigation, is the perfect person to investigate something the President wants to go away.  Does anyone really believe Holder will be objective, impartial and fair while investigating his own department for illegal activities?  Besides Obama and Holder, I mean. 

This government is getting more out of control by the day.  Obama claims to know nothing about anything.  Holder doesn’t know about large scale investigations going on in his own department (just like he didn’t know about Fast and Furious) and the former head of the IRS doesn’t know anything about the agency targeting conservative groups.  Oh – and Jay Carney still thinks the attack on Benghazi was caused by a video….

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