Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Think Biden Isn't Involved in Trump's Legal Issues?

If there was any doubt the Biden regime is behind the travesty that is the Trump trial in New York, yesterday should remove any doubts. Biden campaign spokespeople held a press conference outside the courthouse and Biden himself will make a speech after the verdict is made public. Biden and his people should stay as far away from the case as possible to avoid the appearance of being a communist regime who puts their opposition in prison. Instead they're out front cheering it on.

If there was a doubt that "judge" Merchan wants a guilty verdict - he proved it today with his instructions to the jury that they need not agree on the as of yet unnamed charge that supposedly made this case a felony. They apparently have three choices and they can each  pick one of those to convict Trump. The law says the prosecution has to prove every aspect of their case, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and the jury must agree unanimously. Corrupt Merchan threw that out the window.

This case is making New York City's Justice system a laughing stock... and a corrupt one at that. The hush money payment, a misdemeanor, was passed over by Bragg and passed over by the Justice Department. The Federal Election Committee said no crime had been committed. Then Trump announced he was running for reelection. Suddenly, the guy in the #3 position at the Justice Department takes a huge downgrade to become an assistant prosecutor for the City of New York and, shortly afterward, Bragg revives the case with felony charges. Except the crime that was used to increase the misdemeanors to felonies remains known only to the prosecution and the judge, a blatant violation of Trump's rights.

We need one juror... just one... who believes in the rule of law to stop this corruption. But the left has already declared if any juror dares to not convict Trump, he/she will be crucified by that media and the internet. I have no doubt any juror voting in Trump's favor will be doxxed and threatened. Alvin Bragg himself was in the courtroom yesterday, looking at every juror, no doubt trying to intimidate them. Let's see if it worked.

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