Thursday, May 23, 2024

Leftists Never Give Up - Except On Truth

I enjoy watching the left get all worked up over ridiculous things. Right now, there are two non-newsworthy things riling them up big-time. 

The first is Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. It seems Justice Alito's wife put an American flag, upside down, on a poll in the front yard of their Virginia home. The upside down flag, by definition, is the symbol of the nation in distress, which we are... or at least were immediately following the J6 incident.

Leftists, including AOC, apparently have assigned their own meaning to that symbol - saying it now means "stop the steal" because some protesters on J6 carried upside down flags at the Capitol. It seems they're not quite bright enough to grasp the "nation in distress" definition.

Leftists are demanding Justice Alito recuse himself from any and all J6 cases that might be presented to the Supreme Court. They believe he demonstrated his feelings concerning J6 by raising the flag in his yard... except they have no evidence that he personally had anything to do with it. Justice Alito is a smart man who is well aware of the optics such an action would present. Reliable news reports say the flag was only up for a short time, without Justice Alito's knowledge, then was taken down... likely when he found out about it. But facts never got in the way of Democrat whining.

Perhaps Justice Alito should exert more control over his wife. Leftists love that, right?

The second thing driving leftists crazy is a video, purported to be a Trump campaign ad, that uses photos of vintage newspapers in the background. One of those newspapers is from the 1930s and a byline says something about a "unified reich." The left, of course, went absolutely nuts. They immediately revived their lame mantra about "Trump wants to be a dictator! He told us so! And now he wants a unified reich!" referring to Trump's joking statement to Hannity that he'd be "a dictator on day 1" and reverse all of Biden's stupid policies. The left knows they're lying. Everyone knows they're lying. But even Biden got into the act, making a video about the "unified Reich" and "Trump wants to be a dictator."

It would all be funny, except when the left-wing media repeats the lies over and over, loudly, 24/7, their viewers believe it. Particularly when it comes from their trusted sources. It's got to be true if Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough say it.

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