Friday, May 17, 2024

Leftists Demand Harrison Butker Be Cancelled

People are unbelievable. A group of snowflakes has created a petition that calls on the Kansas City Chiefs to fire Harrison Butker.

The petition, called “Dismiss Harrison Butker for Discriminatory Remarks.” reads as follows:

“The harmful remarks made by Harrison Butker, kicker of the Kansas City Chiefs, during his commencement address at Benedictine College were unacceptable. His comments were sexist, homophobic, anti-trans, anti-abortion and racist,” the petition states. “These dehumanizing remarks against LGBTQ+ individuals, attacks on abortion rights and racial discrimination perpetuate division and undermine human rights.”

In other words... anti-leftist. All I can think of to say is... "Waaaaaaahhh."

Leftists in this country forbid one to have an opinion that differs from theirs. And if having that opinion isn't bad enough for them, expressing it, even at a private event, on your own time, to a select audience, will get people who weren't there to demand you be fired from your job and your life be ruined... for something that triggered outrage because of their own personal issues.

To her credit, Whoopi Goldberg said on "The View" yesterday that Butker has every right to have and express his thoughts, even if people disagree with him.

The petition currently has 106,000 signatures. I have no doubt the woke NFL, which is rife with real criminals, will actually consider some type of consequences for Butker having the audacity to exercise his First Amendment right to express his thoughts. The thought police will do their best to cancel him.

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