Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fourth Circuit and ACLU Say First Amendment Doesn't Matter

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals recently sided with the Montgomery County, Maryland, Independent School District, ruling that parents may not opt their children out of mandatory curriculum that includes books featuring LGBTQ characters.

Three sets of parents, one Christian, one Muslim, and one Jewish, filed a lawsuit, citing religious beliefs, after the district ended the opt out policy that was in place. 

The ACLU defended the school's cancellation of the policy, stating "The policy became unmanageable due to the large number of children opting out and a soaring rate of absenteeism. And it created a stigmatizing environment for students who are LGBTQ or have LGBTQ family members, undermining the purpose of the inclusivity requirement."

U.S. District Judge Deborah L. Boardman of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland ruled against the parents. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., upheld the decision.

“We’re talking about books like ‘Pride Puppy,’ which is light-hearted and affirming,” said ACLU of Maryland Legal Director Deborah Jeon in a press release. “During a time of intensifying calls to ban books and limit access to information about LGBTQ+ people and identities, this ruling in support of inclusion in education matters.”

So the ACLU - the American Civil Liberties Union - disregards the Constitutionally protected First Amendment right to religious freedom in favor of poor school management and a small group of confused children and parents having their feelings hurt. Welcome to leftist America.

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