Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Destruction of American Justice

The persecution of Trump by the left is quickly destroying our legal system, sanctioned and aided by the Justice Department and Joe Biden. Records show every prosecutor involved (New York's Bragg and AG Laticia James, Georgia's Fani Willis, and Jack Smith) has been personally in touch with the White House and/or the Justice Department in the last 18 months. Coincidence? Yeah, right.

Michael Colangelo, one of Bragg's prosecutors, was the #3 guy in the U.S. Department of Justice until the end of 2022, when he  just happened to resign and move to New York City to take a job as a prosecutor. No one does that without a reason. We know in 2018 Colangelo was paid a total of $12,000 by the Democrat National Committee for "political consulting." No appearance of impropriety there. Nope. Not even a little bit...

Jack Smith was recently forced to admit mishandling of evidence in the documents case. The judge in that case put the trial on indefinite hold because of Smith's irregularities.

Attorney General Merrick Garland recently announced, with an election coming up in six months, that the Justice Department is going to crack down on misinformation. Can you say Deja Vu? Even though it's now widely known that the Biden administration colluded with big tech to suppress and mislead the American public, I have no doubt they'll enlist the assistance of big tech again. They can't allow voters to be informed.

For Democrats... politicians, Attorneys General (both state and federal), and prosecutors (both state and federal), justice has become about rigging and winning elections for the Democrats. The judges in New York (Engoron and Merchan) are clearly biased against Trump, and Merchon should have recused himself for family conflict of interest. In Georgia, Judge McAfee worked as a prosecutor for Fani Willis, in the DA's Office, before being appointed to the Superior Court, (having never been a judge before.) Jack Smith reports to Merrick Garland.

The "coincidences" in these prosecutions of Trump are pretty remarkable... and the odds of them being coincidences are astronomical. The new Democrat motto has become "Win at any and all cost." It should worry all Americans.

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