Thursday, April 18, 2024

Racist Principal Accuses Student of Racism

Gotta love leftist stupidity. 

16 year old Christian McGhee received a vocabulary assignment that contained the word "alien." He wanted clarification so he asked his teacher if the word referred to space aliens or illegal aliens - those in the country without a geen card.

Apparently a Hispanic student in the class overheard the question and became angry. He stated his desire to fight with Christian after school. The teacher, rather than solve the problem by explaining the question was not meant to be provocative, and was not meant as an insult toward anyone, (sounds like the Hispanic kid, or maybe some family members are in the country illegally) but was merely a question of clarification, since there is a difference between space aliens and people who cross our borders illegally (illegal aliens.)

The teacher reported the incident to the Vice Principal, who immediately accused Christian of racism and suspended him for three days, bypassing the school's policy of trying to resolve the issue informally. I wonder if the Vice Principal understands that there are illegal aliens from about 140 countries in the United States today, people of all races, colors and creeds, and to pretend only Hispanics are in the country illegally; to call someone a racist because one Hispanic kid disliked the question, is racist in and of itself?

To date there has been no apology to Christian made public and no known consequences for the Hispanic student who made threats of violence. The McGhees have lawyered up to take on the school's overreach. I hope Christian wins big and if the Vice Principal isn't fired, he needs mandatory remedial training in First Amendment rights... and maybe common sense.

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