Thursday, June 9, 2022

McConaughey's Impassioned White House Speech - My Thoughts

My two cents, for what it's worth.

Matthew McConaughhey was born and raised in Uvalde, Texas. He likely knows some of the victims' families. I don't doubt his sincerity in the words he spoke at the White House the other day. I know how I'd feel if it was my hometown. That said - I agree with him on some things and disagree with others.

He called for more effective mental health treatment. I agree. He called for securing our schools. I agree. He called for resisting sensationalized media coverage. I agree. He called for restoring family values. I agree.

He called for raising the purchase age for rifles to 21. That wouldn't effect me personally but if they're going to do that they need to raise the age for the draft and the age for voting to 21 as well. At 18 you can't smoke but you can die for your country. You can't drink a beer but you can vote for your countries leaders. You can't buy a handgun but you can buy a car. If you raise the legal age for some things raise it across the board. Make everything 21.

Some Democrats want the voting age lowered to 16. You can destroy an entire country with voters who have no idea what they're doing. That obvious today. Scientists say the brain isn't fully developed until age 21. Yet we send 18 year olds to fight wars. If this new bill becomes law a 20 year old kid returning from a war won't be able to own a gun for personal protection.

Mcconaughhey called for Red Flag laws. I have issues with those unless they are carefully worded to avoid abuse. Red Flag laws allow authorities to confiscate firearms from an individual or household when they or someone else suspects mental illness to be present. They ignore due process or even medical diagnosis and documentation of a problem. If a judge and a mental health professional aren't willing to sign a legal document saying a person's firearms need to be removed for safety reasons then confiscation of those weapons is unconstitutional. Do we really want to give law enforcement the power to make that decision on their own?

McConaughhey called for "more responsible gun ownership." He didn't elaborate on what he meant by that but didn't call for more "gun control," banishment of certain weapons or magazines, or more laws restricting the rights of law abiding citizens, except for the age thing. I'm all for responsible gun ownership. Let's face it - school shooters aren't exactly responsible gun owners.

Matthew McConaughhey grew up in Texas and has moved his family from California to Texas in recent years. I would bet he owns guns himself. He's not wanting his or anyone's guns taken away. He just wants to stop the carnage. As do we all.

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