Friday, September 3, 2021

My Body, My Choice...?

We've been hearing that for at least a decade. "My body, my choice." Women have marched in the streets and held rallies wearing vagina costumes to make their points.

It's all about abortion rights and abortion on demand. Pro choice people believe nothing should interfere with "women's health care." I can agree with that. The part with which I disagree is that ending a human life is simple health care. Once the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall it becomes a unique, new, human life. That's science.

The State of Texas has been in the news lately because of a new law preventing abortion of a fetus after a heartbeat is detected. The reasoning is that once a heartbeat is detected the fetus is a human life. Somewhat surprisingly, the Supreme Court upheld the law 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John Roberts (not surprisingly) siding with the liberal justices against it.

I heard yesterday that Attorney General Merrick Garland is going to file suit saying the Texas law "violates woman's Constitutional rights." That should be interesting since as far as I know there is nothing in the Constitution giving women the right to have an abortion. Roe vs Wade was a Supreme Court decision but that doesn't make it a Constitutional right. It makes it a rule of law that can be challenged and/or changed by another ruling, not that I believe that will happen.

The interesting thing about "my body, my choice" is that many of the same people who scream that phrase about abortion don't feel the same way about mandatory vaccinations and masks. They want to force both on people to "prevent loss of life." And it's absolute hypocrisy. Forcing people to get a foreign substance injected into their bodies on the chance other people may not get sick (we already know it's not fool proof) is nothing but hypocrisy. And for those who believe a viable fetus is not a human life - I feel sorry for you.

"My body, my choice" only if it concerns something you agree with? Sorry, wrong.

If "my body, my choice" is going to be your rule it needs to apply all the way around. Want to get vaccinated? Do it. Want to wear a mask? Go for it. But if you believe in "my body, my choice" for yourself then give others that same option without condemnation. Otherwise you're being completely unreasonable.

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