Thursday, July 15, 2021

If Their Lips Are Moving...

Joe Biden and the Democrats are lying to the American people about pretty much everything and, along with the left-wing media, are trying to cause panic and division across the nation. Their continuous and contemptible comparison of voter integrity laws to the Civil War is not only ridiculous, it's evil. It's designed to incite the left and pit them against those who want fair elections. Joe Biden made it clear the other day that if you want people to prove who they are in order for them to vote you're a racist. The funny thing - the Georgia voting reform law being vilified by Biden and others is nearly a carbon copy of the voting laws in his home state of Delaware. You don't hear him calling his own state racist, do you?

Biden and the DHS Secretary are lying about border security. Since Biden was inaugurated nearly one million people have crossed the Southern border illegally. They are being flown and bussed to cities all over the country and released into communities without the knowledge of the general public. Barack Obama did the same thing. It was discovered recently that Laughlin Air Force Base in Del Rio, Texas, is being used by the DHS and Border Patrol to fly illegals across the country.

In Texas the Senate, having enough members for a quorum despite cowardly Democrats fleeing the state, passed the voter integrity bill. If enough House Democrats flee the state the bill will die after the 30 day special session is over. Democrats believe that will be a victory however, the governor will call another special session and Senate Republicans will pass the bill again. Governor Abbott has reiterated that the fleeing Democrats will be arrested upon their return to Texas. I wonder just how long Democrats are willing to stay away from their homes and families to delay the inevitable?

"Clueless Kamala" Harris is calling the Texas Democrats civil rights heroes and comparing them to Frederick Douglass. Other Democrats and the media are calling them freedom fighters. Hey Kamala, and all you other misguided Democrats (including the Democrat wing of the media...) - last I checked, civil rights heroes, freedom fighters and Frederick Douglass didn't run away from the fight and hide. They took the fight to the opposition. But you do what you have to do to push a lie on the American people, I suppose.

I still have a difficult time understanding how intelligent people can watch the things the Biden administration is doing and think it's a good thing. I doubt I will ever understand.


  1. Useful fools of the Marxists! ...the whole lot of them.

  2. Right on Glen- I hope the governor follows up on his threat to arrest these leftist bastards. They will get away with the publicity stunt. Also hopeful people who love freedom will see through this Marxist ploy. -Shawn
