Saturday, January 9, 2021

Silencing Has Begun

Twitter and Facebook recently shut down President Trump's accounts. Apparently they believe they should control what the President of the United States is allowed to express publicly. Main stream media outlets recently have refused to air the President's rallies. And last night Google and Apple removed Parler apps from their app stores, telling Parler they need to better control content on their web pages or their apps will no longer be available.

Don't get me wrong - Facebook and Twitter, as private companies, have the legal right to censor content. Membership on their pages is voluntary and they can restrict what one says. However - big tech threatening to silence another company if that company doesn't conform to their standards should scare people. And main stream media outlets that refuse to air the things the elected President does are no longer news outlets. They're left-wing propaganda machines. But that comes as no surprise to most of us.

President Trump has attempted to remove or modify Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, that prevents big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter from being sued for censorship. Our brilliant elected officials overrode him. The result is that the President himself has been silenced on those social networks, as well as several of his associates.

I never thought I would see such constraints on the First Amendment in my lifetime. But then - I never thought I would see socialism become popular in these United States either.

Historically, the average length of a democracy has been about 200 years. We are a Constitutional Republic, which may be the reason the United States has been around for nearly 245 years. But things are changing. I don't see the United States falling as a nation but I do foresee the constitutional government changing to a socialist government. Funny thing is - some people believe socialism will be better and that everyone will be equal. But those with money and power will maintain their money and power and those without money and power will maintain that status. Under socialism the upper middle class will erode away to lower middle class and only the elite will have status. That's how it works.

Democrats will control all three branches of government in just over a week. If they do what they're promising, abolish the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices, they will control all national elections for decades. And the United States in which we grew up will cease to exist. And sadly, some people don't realize it... or simply don't care.

1 comment:

  1. Good to here from you. I always enjoy your blog. Don't get too down, 11 more days to a and a lot of SHTF to come.
