Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Are We Headed Toward 1984?

I'm finding myself scratching my head while listening to the latest news about the Covid virus. Despite all of the precautions taken the virus is recurring in some areas of the country. "Masks and social distancing are the answer," they said. Except I know several people, including one of my doctors, who followed all precautions and still contracted the virus.

The death rate has fallen to less than 1% for most Americans yet cities and states are locking down once again. And yes, I know there have been 248,000 deaths in the United States but before you get self-righteous about it remember that more people die every single day from vehicle accidents than die from Covid. And depending on which statistics and agencies you believe, the actual death rate from Covid alone may be far lower.

Some states are now putting stringent restrictions in place, particularly for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. California Governor Newsome has limited family gatherings to 10 people, outside only. Oregon's governor has issued similar restrictions and has earned that violators will be prosecuted. Pennsylvania's governor has not only issued restrictions on the number of guests per household but has mandated family only - no unrelated guests, and wants to order people to wear masks inside their own homes. New York's Governor Cuomo has issued numbers restrictions on family gatherings and will require anyone entering New York from out of state to bring proof of a negative virus test (recent) and be tested again upon arrival or face quarantine. Joe Biden is still advocating lockdowns and a mask mandate should he become President.

Are states going to send police house to house on Thanksgiving Day to check the number of guests present? If a house has exactly the prescribed number of guests wouldn't a police presence take that number above the ordered threshold thereby causing a violation of the mandate(s)?

At least one county sheriff in Oregon has stated publicly that his office would not enforce the restrictions. New York sheriffs and even NYC Mayor De Blasio have stated they will not enforce Governor Cuomo's family gathering restrictions. Good for them.

Arlington National Cemetery the other day cancelled the annual "Wreaths Across America" event scheduled for next month citing Covid-19 concerns. The event, to be held outdoors, brings together families and friends to honor our fallen military members. President Trump intervened and the Secretary of the Army reversed the decision saying the event will be held after all. Outdoors with proper precautions it should be no more dangerous than the public celebration of Joe Biden's projected victory after the election, don't you think?

After personally listening to various doctors, both on TV and in person, there is no doubt in my mind that Democrats, the main stream media and big tech (social media) are using this virus to control the masses. All three work hard to discount and erase any dissent or opinions different than theirs. Social media is censoring dissenting opinions and "correcting" anyone who dares to voice that dissent on their platforms. Genuine journalism no longer exists, with the exception of a hand full of people who still report the truth instead of what the left wants us to hear.

I can't help but wonder if Biden gets sworn in as President how far the police state and censorship of free speech will go. Prosecution for family gatherings have already been introduced. During a Senate hearing with big tech executives this week Senator Chris Coons (D DE), a friend and advisor to Joe Biden, indicated he is in favor of increased scrutiny and censorship of "false information" on the internet. Can you say "Big Brother?" I knew you could.

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