Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Dear main stream (left-wing) media...

We the people who support the Second Amendment want to apologize to you for the fact that the pro-gun rally in Virginia  on Monday didn't end in violence and bloodshed. We know you were salivating for any report of such behavior by the "gun crazed right," and your day was ruined when it didn't happen. Many of you probably already had most of your lead stories written and were just waiting to hear that an incident had occurred so you could fill in the details. Sorry to disappoint you. You couldn't even report on how the protesters left trash and litter all over the place because they didn't. They cleaned up after themselves and probably left the streets of Richmond cleaner than they were on Sunday. Next time, if you want violence and trash, cover a left-wing eco protest or a pro-abortion protest. Those of us who watch news reports that are not provided by you have seen the results of those protests. I'm sure you get good ratings from your viewers by showing women dressed up in vagina hats/costumes but you don't show the trash and litter left behind by them and by those protesting for the environment while they throw their trash and "Save the Earth" signs on the ground. The violence you wanted was averted not because of Governor Northam's "teams" but because the violent left-wing extremists apparently didn't show up. Perhaps they were afraid of all those gun toting right-wingers. If so... good. They didn't need to be there anyway. I'm sure you all were disappointed when the protesters inside the fence didn't storm the capitol building. That would have made for some great reporting. But that didn't happen either. Those inside the fence were peaceful and mostly quiet. They were simply sharing their belief in the Second Amendment and were doing it in numbers. Wait for your headlines. My prediction is that despite so many people being opposed to Governor Northam's plan to further restrict the Second Amendment in Virginia, he and the Democrats will go through with it. There will be more protests and when the sanctuary counties and various law enforcement agencies refuse to comply things will likely get interesting. It will be the first time in a long time that law enforcement refused to follow the laws of the land because they believe them to be unconstitutional. So just wait for it. You'll get your headlines.

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