Monday, May 21, 2018

Houston Police Chief Wants To Take Away Guns

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo recently posted a gun control rant on Facebook that included: "I know some have strong feelings about gun rights but I want you to know I’ve hit rock bottom and I am not interested in your views as it pertains to this issue. Please do not post anything about guns aren’t the problem and there’s little we can do."
My response to the Chief would be this:
As a police officer, especially one in your position, you should have an extensive knowledge of guns and their function. You should also have a good working knowledge of human behavior. So I would ask you this question.
When is the last time a gun walked alone into a school (or any other venue) and killed anyone? Guns are tools, Chief - just like hammers, knives, screwdrivers or any other tool that people use to kill others. They are incapable of acting on their own.
In 2017, 7,105 people were murdered with handguns. 3,077 were murdered by other types of unspecified guns, and 262 were murdered with shotguns. I'm assuming you're already in favor of banning AR-15s from law abiding citizens (although I bet the people of Hitchcock, Texas, would disagree with that idea) but are you going to ban handguns and shotguns as well? None of the types of guns named kill anyone without someone pulling the trigger. So why don't you get down to the actual cause of the violence - a lack of proper training at home, a lack of instilled moral values, and a society that shuns family values, Christian values, and compassion for human life?
Over 1 million babies are murdered by abortion every year but I don't hear those screaming for gun control screaming to end abortion. Motor vehicle accidents killed 40,000 people in 2016. When is the last time someone called to ban vehicles because they kill people?
Have you guessed the common denominator here? Both guns and motor vehicles need human interaction to do anything. Guns are no more responsible for deaths than vehicles. Just over 10,000 people died from gun violence last year but over 40,0000 died in vehicles and over 1 million died at the hands of "doctors."
It would seem to me that it's not the killing you're interested in preventing, only specific causes of it. Otherwise you'd be fighting causes of death that are far greater than firearms. But hey - you've already said you're not interested in my opinion. How open minded of you to let everyone know if they don't agree with you you're not interested in what they think.

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