Friday, February 16, 2018

A Hole In The AR-15 Narrative

In April of 2007, a student at Virginia Tech University opened fire on fellow students and faculty, killing 32 and wounding 17. He eventually turned the gun on himself

The shooter used an AR-15 “assault rifle” to kill and injure all of these people.

Wait... no he didn't. He used two handguns – a 9mm pistol and a .22 caliber pistol. He didn't have an “assault rifle” yet he killed more people than any other school shooting since 1927. It was the second deadliest school shooting in American history. No pun intended but that kind of shoots holes in the narrative that AR-15s are the problem.

The shooter had mental health issues. He had been diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder but had no issues that showed up on a background check. He was able to purchase his weapons legally.

Was that wrong? That depends on who you ask. If one is diagnosed with anxiety but is not institutionalized for it does the government have a right to know your diagnosis? I would say no since medical information is private unless your physician determines you are a danger to yourself or others.

Does anxiety make you dangerous? And do we really want the government to have access to our medical records? Again, I would say no, unless the doctor feels it's necessary. And that doctor better be sure of himself/herself.

But wait.... the AR-15.....

An AR-15 does not kill, does not even fire without the human element. But hey - neither does a handgun. The human element is the thing that gun control advocates like to leave out of the equation. Or they say "If mental health is the issue let's pass more legislation to keep guns out of the hands of those who are mentally ill."

OK. What legislation would you pass that will prevent someone with no criminal record and no public record of mental health problems from buying guns? Would you have mental health providers contact the government and report any and all patients they see? Would any mental health treatment qualify one to be placed on a "no buy" list? How many liberties are you willing to give up in order to accomplish your goal?

Gun control is not about the guns but about control of the people. The left wants to disarm Americans to make them easier to control. The should ask themselves this question. How did that work out for the Jews in Nazi Germany?

1 comment:

  1. First off lets make note that Semi Auto weapons have been available now to civilians for well over a century. The AR-15 which the liberals continue to make popular have been available to the Civilians for over 5 decades. It's only been in the last decade though that mass shootings with the semi Auto rifle have become a problem. Hell it's not even the best tool for the job. There are better tools, more powerful tools available and easier to acquire but since the Anti-Gun leftest keep glamorizing the AR's and Ak's that's what the deranged killers continue to use.

    So should the anti-gun left and those people who don't know anything about guns get their way and get semi auto's banned. The deranged people who don't even know what bathroom to use anymore will either fine the better tools or simply start making homemade bombs out of things easily found in any home.
