Sunday, August 20, 2017

Comparing Antifa To World War II Veterans....

I hope people take the time to read this and don't simply respond to the title.

There has been a meme floating around the internet for the last few days of several World War II veterans with the caption that says something about how they fought against Nazis just like Antifa is fighting against Nazis.

The meme, created to be clever, was offensive to myself and many of my fellow veterans because the comparison was not even in the realm of reality. Without criticizing anyone who shared it or found it believable, I'd like to shed a little light on the real Nazis versus the wannabe Nazis in this country.

Hitler's Nazi Party began in 1919 following the end of World War I. Hitler was a member from the beginning and due to his charismatic speaking abilities he became the leader in 1921. Throughout the 1920s Hitler grew the party and in 1929, when Germany's economy tanked once again, he and his party began winning elections. By 1933 Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.

He immediately began building his military and opened Dachau, the first of many concentration camps in which were placed Jews, artists, intellectuals, Gypsies, the physically and mentally handicapped and homosexuals. Ethnic cleansing had begun.

The Nazis began rounding up Jews, killing many, confining others to ghettos where many died of disease and starvation, and putting others in concentration camps – using some for abhorrent medical experimentation.

From 1936 to 1939, Hitler retook the German Rhineland (taken by the treaty), and annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia (by force.)

Ignoring warnings from Great Britain and France, Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. This event began World War II.

Hitler continued to kill and imprison Jews in every country he invaded. When he invaded the Soviet Union, Nazi death squads machine gunned tens of thousands of Jews to death. All told the Nazis would exterminate over six million Jews during World War II.

By contrast, the American Nazi Party is a very small minority of racists. Their numbers nationwide might be in the thousands but in a nation with a population of 320 million they don't carry much weight. American Nazis pretty much hate anyone who is not white (although their website says they will gladly accept monetary donations from “non-Aryans” who want to contribute. What good guys, huh?)

They march in various places and try to spread their hatred in an effort to get more white people interested in their cause. Unfortunately for them, the overwhelming majority of Americans aren't interested in their brand of hatred so they are mostly ignored except on parade day.

And Antifa is fighting against them. Big deal.

World War II veterans voluntarily put on the uniform of the United States' armed services and went to Europe to defend freedom and to fight against an evil force that was systematically taking over Europe and exterminating Jews. They also went to the Pacific to fight against the Japanese emperor and his military that had launched a surprise attack on Hawaii and killed thousands of Americans.

Antifa, who likes to pretend they are boldly facing down Nazis and fascists in these United States, also wears a uniform of sorts. They dress in black for their demonstrations. They also cover their faces so they can't be identified and they carry weapons such as baseball bats, sticks, boards with nails driven into one end, rocks, bottles, tear gas and anything else they can assault people with. I've seen one carrying an ax and another making an improvised flame thrower with a spray paint can.

Antifa's stated goal of fighting against Nazis, neoNazis, racism, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc., sounds noble but their methods are more fascist than anyone they oppose. They say they “want to make America ungovernable" and their method is violence. Really? Do they have any idea what that would actually do to the nation and her people?

World War II veterans fought against an evil empire that was taking over Europe and murdering millions of people.

Antifa is fighting against their fellow American citizens in an effort to oppress the First Amendment rights of anyone with whom they disagree. They want to destroy the government of the United States. They are a terrorist group if ever there was one.

To pretend that the two groups are one in the same is not only ridiculous but an insult to the brave men who fought in World War II. And by being so it is an insult to all veterans.

I can't help but wonder how many Antifa members and followers are veterans. I would bet not many.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! You pretty much sum up the situation. I'm not sure how to respond to people who post these memes because I'm not sure if they would understand how wrong they are.
