Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Move To Stifle Free Thought

Many countries in Europe have laws against "hate speech." A person can be arrested, charged, tried and incarcerated for saying things out loud or online that are deemed harmful to someone else... even if it's only words.

The European Council on Human Rights defines hate speech as "all types of expression that incite, promote, spread or justify violence, hatred or discrimination against a person or group of persons, or that denigrates them, by reason of their real or attributed personal characteristics or status such as “race”, colour, language, religion, nationality, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation."

Take a good look at that list. That's a lot of ways to go to pr8son just for expressing your thoughts publicly.

In Great Britain recently, a 53-year-old woman from northwest England was jailed for 15 months after posting on Facebook that a mosque should be blown up “with the adults inside.” A 45-year-old man was sentenced to 20 months for goading his online followers to torch a hotel that houses refugees. A 55-year-old woman was questioned by the police for a viral post that wrongly identified the suspect in a deadly knife attack at a children’s dance class.

Also in Great Britain, a man was sentenced to 21 months in prison for encouraging people to join the protests against mostly out of control immigration in the country and for saying he hopes the boats sink.

All of these examples have one thing in common. Words were stated/posted but no actual incidents occurred because of those words. Yet four people are in prison.

Imagine these laws being in place in the United States. Some will say "That would be great." But would it, really?

Imagine being imprisoned for expressing your anger at "Muslim" terrorists for an incident here in this country. Those involved are terrorists and they're Muslim, but someone gets their feelings hurt because you linked the two words together... because they're factual. You go to jail.

Imagine being arrested because you express your outrage over illegal immigration, or you loudly criticize certain politicians because they allow it. Imagine Madonna going to prison for saying she sometimes thinks about destroying the White House, or Johnny Depp for asking his stupid question, in a fairly blatant reference to Lincoln and Trump. Can't happen, you say? I'd bet the many people imprisoned in Europe for mere words didn't think so either.

Imagine being jailed for explicitely expressing your strong dislike for a Presidential candidate, or publicly telling lies about him/her...

Where do laws like this stop? How far is too far? People are already being called haters and bigots for having their own opinions on social issues. How long before having those opinions becomes illegal.

The beauty of our First Amendment is that we have the legal right to have and share our opinions on any topic as long as it remains opinion and doesn’t harm someone. Newsflash: just as we learned as children (sticks and stones) - words alone cannot physically harm someone. And its not illegal for someone's feelings to be hurt. I would hate to see that day come.

Reinventing Kamala Harris

About 5 weeks ago, the left, particularly the left-wing media, was talking about how Kamala Harris needed to be replaced on the Democrat ticket because she was a thorn in Biden's side. Her low approval ratings and pathetic public perception made the left think a different candidate would greatly improve Biden's chances of winning. Then Biden dropped out.

To keep the money donors had already pledged to the campaign, Kamala Harris was the only choice the DNC had. In order to create any possible opportunity for her to win, she needed to be reinvented as a strong, wise leader. And, with the help of the media wing of the Democrat Party, that's what is happening now.

Biden dropped out of the race on January 21st. On the 22nd, the media blitz to completely reinvent Kamala Harris was initiated. Suddenly, overnight, she went from needing to be replaced to being the greatest Vice President in the history of the country. Negative news articles were scrubbed from the airwaves and the internet. She was hidden away so she doesn't have to speak to reporters without a teleprompter. Videos of crowds greeting her plane were created with AI.

She chose a far-left radical as her running mate. When the stories of his lies about his military service record surfaced, they were denied and buried by the media. Facts were distorted. His record of far-left activities as governor were buffered by the media to make him sound more moderate and therefore more appealing.

The DNC and the left-wing media know that about half of the country will believe whatever they're told on their TVs. Mika Brzezinski once outlined it famously on "Morning Joe" when she said "He (meaning Trump) is trying to control how people think. That is our job." 

The left, from the Vice President, to the DNC, to the left-wing media, all believe this. And they will say and do whatever is necessary to maintain power. And leftist voters and Trump haters suck it up like mother's milk.

The one positive in the equation is that Kamala Harris loves the camera. She likes impromptu speaking, even though her impromptu speeches are often just word salad. She believes the things she says are brilliant, which is why she often repeats them over and over, even if they're demonstraby wrong. The debates, if she actually goes through with them, will be her downfall, just like Biden. She won't be confused and appear senile. In a fair debate, if she's not given the questions and answers ahead of time, she'll serve up her usual word salad answers that make sense only to her. The media will cover for her, as always, but the damage will occur.