Friday, May 17, 2024

Leftists Demand Harrison Butker Be Cancelled

People are unbelievable. A group of snowflakes has created a petition that calls on the Kansas City Chiefs to fire Harrison Butker.

The petition, called “Dismiss Harrison Butker for Discriminatory Remarks.” reads as follows:

“The harmful remarks made by Harrison Butker, kicker of the Kansas City Chiefs, during his commencement address at Benedictine College were unacceptable. His comments were sexist, homophobic, anti-trans, anti-abortion and racist,” the petition states. “These dehumanizing remarks against LGBTQ+ individuals, attacks on abortion rights and racial discrimination perpetuate division and undermine human rights.”

In other words... anti-leftist. All I can think of to say is... "Waaaaaaahhh."

Leftists in this country forbid one to have an opinion that differs from theirs. And if having that opinion isn't bad enough for them, expressing it, even at a private event, on your own time, to a select audience, will get people who weren't there to demand you be fired from your job and your life be ruined... for something that triggered outrage because of their own personal issues.

To her credit, Whoopi Goldberg said on "The View" yesterday that Butker has every right to have and express his thoughts, even if people disagree with him.

The petition currently has 106,000 signatures. I have no doubt the woke NFL, which is rife with real criminals, will actually consider some type of consequences for Butker having the audacity to exercise his First Amendment right to express his thoughts. The thought police will do their best to cancel him.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Freedom of Speech is Under Assault

I saw the story about Kansas City Chiefs kicker, Harrison Butker, and his comments made during a commencement speech this past Saturday. Butker, a devout Catholic who was speaking at a small Catholic school, expressed his personally held belief that women are designed by God to have children and raise families and he believes those who do are happier and more fulfilled than those who choose a career and status instead. He also expressed his disagreement with the transgender movement,  another traditional Catholic belief. From what I've read, his remarks were well received by the male and female audience.

But it's 2024, and the non-conservatives across the country went nuts. You know the ones... those who weren't there but have a deep need to be outraged for the people to whom the speech was addressed, and for all of the poor women and trans people who might feel verbally abused, and even threatened, by Butker expressing his (harmless) personal beliefs, because his beliefs are different than theirs. How dare he tell women what to do??! 

Except he didn't tell anyone what to do. He expressed personally held beliefs with which others many or may not agree. He has a Constitutional right to do so. And he was invited to do so by the school.

Butker's employer, the Kansas City Chiefs, in the name of "inclusion," put out a statement distancing the team from his remarks.

“Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity. His views are not those of the NFL as an organization,” said Senior Vice President Jonathan Beane, the league’s chief diversity and inclusion officer. “The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

You had to know the woke NFL wouldn't be able to stay silent. It wouldn't surprise me to learn of some punishment inflicted on Butker in the near future.

The official X page of the city of Kansas City, Missouri, published a tweet informing the public of the rather small suburb where Butker lives, then took it down eight minutes later. Eight minutes is long enough for crazies to see it and plan. Whoever did that should be fired immediately.

The Western world has become a place where freedom of speech is under assault. In some countries, (Canada, Great Britain, and other European nations) people are already being prosecuted and jailed for what is being called "hate speech," which in fact is merely expressing beliefs that are not main stream/woke. Conservative beliefs; political, religious, social, etc., are being vilified by the left and by secular groups, and prohibited in other countries. There are, without a doubt, people in these United States who would do away with the First Amendment right to free speech. The cancel culture is about just that.

People need to stop getting irate about the opinions of others with which they disagree. Life is too short.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Destruction of American Justice

The persecution of Trump by the left is quickly destroying our legal system, sanctioned and aided by the Justice Department and Joe Biden. Records show every prosecutor involved (New York's Bragg and AG Laticia James, Georgia's Fani Willis, and Jack Smith) has been personally in touch with the White House and/or the Justice Department in the last 18 months. Coincidence? Yeah, right.

Michael Colangelo, one of Bragg's prosecutors, was the #3 guy in the U.S. Department of Justice until the end of 2022, when he  just happened to resign and move to New York City to take a job as a prosecutor. No one does that without a reason. We know in 2018 Colangelo was paid a total of $12,000 by the Democrat National Committee for "political consulting." No appearance of impropriety there. Nope. Not even a little bit...

Jack Smith was recently forced to admit mishandling of evidence in the documents case. The judge in that case put the trial on indefinite hold because of Smith's irregularities.

Attorney General Merrick Garland recently announced, with an election coming up in six months, that the Justice Department is going to crack down on misinformation. Can you say Deja Vu? Even though it's now widely known that the Biden administration colluded with big tech to suppress and mislead the American public, I have no doubt they'll enlist the assistance of big tech again. They can't allow voters to be informed.

For Democrats... politicians, Attorneys General (both state and federal), and prosecutors (both state and federal), justice has become about rigging and winning elections for the Democrats. The judges in New York (Engoron and Merchan) are clearly biased against Trump, and Merchon should have recused himself for family conflict of interest. In Georgia, Judge McAfee worked as a prosecutor for Fani Willis, in the DA's Office, before being appointed to the Superior Court, (having never been a judge before.) Jack Smith reports to Merrick Garland.

The "coincidences" in these prosecutions of Trump are pretty remarkable... and the odds of them being coincidences are astronomical. The new Democrat motto has become "Win at any and all cost." It should worry all Americans.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Good-bye First Amendment...?

This is a first for me.

I never thought I'd agree with Jerry Nadler or the ACLU... on anything. But on a recent bill being considered in the House, they are correct.

HR 6090, The "Antisemitism Awareness Act," is a bill aimed at curbing public expression, ostensibly on college campuses, of antisemitic and/or anti-Israel rhetoric.  It's a direct assault on the First Amendment. And it's being led and pushed by Republicans.

The points in this bill, some listed below, are adopted from the 
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) list of antisemitic acts. They are "a certain perception of Jews, often expressed as hatred toward Jews," which includes:

"Calling for, aiding or justifying the killing or harming of Jews;

"Making dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews or the power of Jews as a collective, such as the myth of a Jewish conspiracy or Jews controlling the media, economy, government, or other societal institutions;

"Holocaust denialism;

"Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel than to the interests of their own nation;

"Denying the Jewish people the right to self-determination. For example, claiming the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor (anti-Zionism); and

"Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis."

Anyone who understands and defends freedom of speech in the United States will understand that the language of this bill is too broad, and would put European style restrictions on our First Amendment rights. If you can be jailed for criticizing, defaming, insulting or otherwise disrespecting Jews in America, the First Amendment goes out the window.

Antisemitism is ugly and repugnant, just like racism. But the First Amendment gives every American the right to hate freely and to voice that hatred in a peaceful manner. We may not like it or condone it, but if it's outlawed we no longer have a Constitutional Republic. Some will say we already have lost our Republic, but this will definitely cement it. People in Europe get imprisoned for what is considered hate speech. It's never been that way here... until now?

Imagine going to prison simply for saying the Holocaust didn't happen or saying Jews control the media in this nation. Ignorant perhaps... but illegal? How far will it go after that?

The House passed the bill yesterday evening with a vote of 320 to 91. Twenty-one Republicans and 70 Democrats voted against it.

Republicans better be careful. Up until yesterday, Democrats were the ones working hard to reign in First Amendment rights. Now they've got the help of the Republicans.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

And MAGA Is The Problem?

The left likes to pretend that MAGA Americans are "a threat to Democracy." Except they have no evidence to back their claims except the incident on January 6th, which we now know was at least partially planned and coordinated by federal law enforcement. The FBI had operatives on the ground (Christopher Wrey refuses to admit that but also refuses to deny it.) The Capitol Police invited protesters to cross barricade lines and even escorted some of them around the building. Windows were broken by people dressed in Antifa garb and the "IEDs" found outside the DNC headquarters building, while Kamala Harris was inside, were largely ignored until the media began reporting on them.

Yeah, those MAGA Republicans are evil...  Except it wasn't MAGA Republicans who burned cities and assaulted and murdered police throughout the summer of 2020. They haven't taken over city blocks and murdered citizens who resisted them. It was leftists, Marxists, anarchists, etc. 

Over 1200 people have been charged for January 6th and many have been imprisoned, including a 72 year old grandmother, whose "crime" apparently was praying inside the Capitol that day. Many have been imprisoned for trespassing. In contrast, most of the BLM and Antifa members arrested in 2020 had their charges dropped and suffered no consequences for their wanton destruction and murder. And MAGA Americans are the threat?

Once again we're seeing leftist hatred manifest itself nationwide, this time directed at Jews, both American and Israeli, and Israel itself. Once again the leftist media is reporting on "peaceful protests" in which Jewish college students are being threatened, and in many cases assaulted, by pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers. The protesters and media like to say the demonstrations are pro-Palestinians, except their demands do nothing but help Hamas.

Protesters at Columbia University have successfully shut down the school. They demand Jewish students leave the university. They also demand that the university cease taking donations from any company that manufactures weapons or weapons components that are being sent to Israel. That demand does nothing for Palestinian citizens but helps Hamas if honored. They're demanding a ceasefire... which again helps Hamas. Many believe Hamas was justified in killing 1200 innocent Jews and taking hostages. Notice securing the release of hostages, including Americans, is not on their list of demands?

The above photo is the tent encampment set up by protesting students on the campus of Columbia University. Notice the actual tents. Most of them are exactly the same, meaning they were supplied to the protesters rather than brought spontaneously by students. Someone with money is organizing these protests.

Notice also that many of the "leaders" of the protests cover their faces like Antifa "warriors?" Except they're wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh... a scarf that for many represents Hamas terrorism.

Hatred runs rampant within the "tolerant" left. We're seeing it first hand on college campuses, supported by outside money, the leftist media and Democrat politicians. Kids are supposed to go to college to learn, to become more intelligent. These days they're demonstrating that real history is not part of their lessons.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Racist Principal Accuses Student of Racism

Gotta love leftist stupidity. 

16 year old Christian McGhee received a vocabulary assignment that contained the word "alien." He wanted clarification so he asked his teacher if the word referred to space aliens or illegal aliens - those in the country without a geen card.

Apparently a Hispanic student in the class overheard the question and became angry. He stated his desire to fight with Christian after school. The teacher, rather than solve the problem by explaining the question was not meant to be provocative, and was not meant as an insult toward anyone, (sounds like the Hispanic kid, or maybe some family members are in the country illegally) but was merely a question of clarification, since there is a difference between space aliens and people who cross our borders illegally (illegal aliens.)

The teacher reported the incident to the Vice Principal, who immediately accused Christian of racism and suspended him for three days, bypassing the school's policy of trying to resolve the issue informally. I wonder if the Vice Principal understands that there are illegal aliens from about 140 countries in the United States today, people of all races, colors and creeds, and to pretend only Hispanics are in the country illegally; to call someone a racist because one Hispanic kid disliked the question, is racist in and of itself?

To date there has been no apology to Christian made public and no known consequences for the Hispanic student who made threats of violence. The McGhees have lawyered up to take on the school's overreach. I hope Christian wins big and if the Vice Principal isn't fired, he needs mandatory remedial training in First Amendment rights... and maybe common sense.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

4th Circuit Blocks Transgender Sports Law

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has told the state of West Virginia it cannot enforce a law prohibiting biological males from competing on girls' sports teams.

The case stems from a 13 year old biological male, who identifies as a girl, and who filed suit against West Virginia for a law which specifies sports participants must compete on teams of their biological sex. The "girl," who has been taking puberty blockers from the age of nine, wants to join the girls' track team. West Virginia said no. The 4th Circuit said "You can't do that."

A lower West Virginia court had already ruled the state could not enforce the law against that particular child. The state appealed. The appeals court ruled they cannot enforce it at all, citing discrimination. The court obviously doesn't understand the science of biology and the differences between males and females. Or they simply don't care. The court, which was once one of the most conservative in the country, has become liberal since Barack Obama appointed six liberal judges, and Biden nominated two, to the 15 member bench. Several others were nominated by Clinton.

Rather than ruling in favor of biological males participating in girls' sports, America would be better served by a child abuse investigation of parents and doctors who put a nine year old boy on puberty blockers. But we already know that won't happen.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Sham That is Trump's New York Trial

Donald Trump is in court in New York again, facing numerous felony charges for which, once again, there is no victim. D.A. Alvin Bragg found an ancient misdemeanor with which to charge Trump, elevated it to felony status, dumped a bunch more similar charges on it, and dragged Trump back into court. Even Johnathan Turley, a well known Constitutional law professor at Georgetown University, says the charges are ridiculous.

Bragg's star witness will be disgruntled former Trump attorney Michael Cohen. Cohen has served prison time for tax evasion, making false statements to a federally-insured bank, and campaign finance violations. What's interesting about Cohen is that he has also done time for perjury, admittedly lying in court... something Bragg's "Statement of Facts" in the case and the left-wing media do not mention.

I would say Bragg has to prove his case beyond a shadow of a doubt, but it's New York. The case is brought by a leftist District Attorney, before a blatantly biased judge, and there is no doubt the jury will also be biased against Trump.

The judge has issued a gag order against Trump, threatening to jail him for exercising his First Amendment rights. Despite Trump's alleged crimes being no danger to the public, the judge has also threatened to jail Trump if he attends his son, Barron's, high school graduation on Friday instead of being in court. (The judge recently allowed an alleged murderer to skip a day of court for his brother's funeral.) Biased much?

Trump will be convicted of at least some of the charges. Of that I am convinced. It won't be because he's guilty, but because he cannot and will not get a fair trial. It's election interference at its finest... through lawfare. But that's the main goal... to prevent Trump from becoming President again. Funny thing... a conviction of any kind and/or putting Trump in jail will only cause more people to move to his side. Anyone with a working brain can see and understand Trump is being railroaded, not only by local D.A.s, but by the Justice Department. Anything goes to prevent a Trump Presidency.

Monday, January 1, 2024

The Democrat Assault on Our Legal System

We are witnessing the destruction of our legal system and Constitutional rights before our eyes. And all it took to begin was a single term of a President the Washington establishment didn't like.

When Donald Trump won the 2016 election the left not only went nuts, but began planning their assault on the Constitution, our legal system, and our election system.

First, they impeached President Trump for a perfectly legal (and justified) phone call that Trump, as the President-elect, made to the President of Ukraine. Even with Democrats holding a majority of both the House and the Senate, he was acquitted. So they began plan B.

The Democrats also attacked and railroaded Mike Flynn in a different assault, but that's another story for another time.

Over the next three years the Democrats planned, and then executed the first and most openly covert steal of a national election in history. Aided greatly by a pandemic, partisan judges in swing states, Democrat controlled polling places, questionable counting procedures, and billions of dollars spent paying people for ballot harvesting, they managed to snatch the election in a manner that convinced courts there was no reason even to hear evidence challenging the election results. As I have said before - Democrats aren't stupid.

Then, after Trump was no longer President, they held an impeachment hearing, charging him with incitement of an insurrection for the events that occurred at the U.S. capitol on January 6, 2021. (No legal charges of insurrection were ever filed against Trump or any other person.) Democrats again failed to convict him, thus rendering the entire proceeding futile, and a waste of time and taxpayer money.

Trump and his attorneys, along with witnesses to the irregularities of counting procedures in swing states, filed numerous cases citing election interference with various courts. Judges, including Supreme Court Justices, refused to hear evidence. They didn't say there wasn't evidence, but only refused to hear it. Those are two different things. Personally, after the Bush/Gore fiasco, I think the SCOTUS simply refused to get involved in an election dispute. But that's me.

The highly partisan January 6th Committee, even after the prime time drama and professional TV production, failed to produce any real results. Yet in December of 2023, the Colorado Supreme Court and the Maine Secretary of State, citing provisions of the 14th Amendment, found Donald Trump guilty of insurrection, without charges, presentation of evidence, an opportunity for a defense, a jury.... without any due process whatsoever, which is also a provision of the 14th Amendment. Both entities decided Trump could not be on their state primary ballots, because of his (supposed) guilt, enforcement pending appeal to a higher court. Both decisions are in blatant disregard of the Constitution.

Donald Trump, and Trump Derangement Syndrome, have caused Democrats, aided by the left-wing media, to manipulate and/or compromise our Constitution and our legal system in their efforts to control election results. Leftist media pundits praised the decisions to remove Trump from the ballot, many saying Trump's guilt is obvious. Any honest and reputable media outlet would be challenging the Democrats' violation of a citizen's Constitutional rights rather than supporting and praising such abuse of power. 

What those praising the unconstitutional actions against Trump don't seem to understand is that if courts and politicians will ignore the Constitutional rights of a former President to get their desired results, they will do it to anyone who dares to oppose them. If the SCOTUS, for whatever reason, refuses to decide on the legality of what Colorado and Maine have done, our elections will forever be rendered useless and our justice system will be changed forever.