Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pelosi To Introduce "Obabycare" While Doctors Murder Infants

I watched a news report last night about Nancy Pelosi’s newest plan to take more tax money from Americans.  She will soon be introducing a bill that provides government subsidized child care for all.  According to Pelosi – “quality, affordable child care is a right for all Americans” so that women/mothers can contribute more to society.  (I wonder i they'll call it "Pelosicare" or "Obabycare"...?)  And apparently she believes the taxpayers should pick up the tab for it.

Not that it’s a surprise.  One has to wonder if there is anything in our lives these days that Democrats think we can and should handle on our own.  They (Democrats) seem to believe that the government should be involved in every facet of our lives and, of course, make us pay for that involvement in the form of new and increased taxes.  It’s not cheap for the government to be your guardian, after all.

In other news, the murder trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia still goes largely unreported by the mainstream media.  Gosnell is accused of killing babies by using scissors to cut their spinal cords. Authorities allege that some of the infants were born alive and viable during the sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy and were deliberately killed.

How is a case like this not news?  How does a pro athlete’s sexual preference, or Jodi Arias’ murder trial (for killing her boyfriend) or even the latest escapades of Lindsay Lohan take priority over the murders of multiple babies? 

A friend of mine said something last night that brings it all together.  She said “It amazes me when I read that if a woman is pregnant and in an accident and killed by another driver, they call the fetus a baby and two counts of manslaughter are brought against the guilty party.   But if a Dr. does it on purpose it is just a fetus???!!!” 

She is spot on with that comparison yet abortion advocates fail to see the contradiction between the two.  I wonder, in a state that has very liberal abortion laws, if that driver who kills a pregnant woman can get one count of manslaughter thrown out of court because the state has already demonstrated it doesn’t recognize that unborn child as a baby?  I’m sure it will only be a matter of time before that happens.

I personally don’t believe Roe vs Wade will ever be repealed.  It’s been the law of the land for 40 years and even though Republicans continue to make it an election issue, I don’t believe it will change.  However, even Roe vs Wade doesn’t allow for the atrocities committed by some abortion doctors today.   

In two videos recently recorded in abortion clinics, doctors who provide abortions are heard saying they would either kill a baby that was born alive during an abortion or simply allow it to die. 

One video features a D.C. doctor, Cesare Santangelo, who said that in the unlikely event that an abortion resulted in a live birth, “we would not help it.” Santangelo was answering repeated questions from an undercover operative about what would happen, hypothetically, if she gave birth after an unsuccessful abortion.

“I mean, technically, you know, legally, we would be obligated to help it, you know, to survive, but . . . it probably wouldn’t,” Santangelo is shown telling the woman, who was 24 weeks pregnant. “It’s all in how vigorously you do things to help a fetus survive at this point.”

Another video released Sunday shows an unidentified worker in the Bronx saying the clinic would put the baby in a jar of “solution” that would cause it to stop breathing.  The two videos are posted below if you care to view them.

Abortion has become the new norm in birth control, it seems.  Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion clinic in the country, and possibly the world, and is subsidized by the federal government.  I’ve heard abortion advocates say “It’s better to abort a baby than to have it be born unwanted.”  I disagree.  There are plenty of childless couples out there who would be willing to adopt an unwanted baby.   What we need to do in this country is make adoption easier and less expensive.  The government wants to make it easier and less expensive for people to immigrate into the country.  Why not first work on problems we already have here at home?

One more thought....  maybe Nancy Pelosi should push the abortion thing (and increase federal funding of same) so there will be less need for child care.  How about that one, Nancy?? 

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