Thursday, December 28, 2023

"Long Live The Intifada"... And Other Nonsense

American protesters supporting Hamas terrorism have recently been heard chanting "Long live the intifada!" But what is an intifada?

intifada /ĭn″tə-fä′də/  noun

"A protracted grassroots campaign of protest and sometimes violent resistance against perceived oppression or military occupation, especially either of two uprisings among Palestinian Arabs in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, the first beginning in 1987 and the second in 2000, in protest against Israeli occupation of these territories.

"An uprising, such as the Palestinian resistance to the 1987 Israeli occupation of the West Bank of the Jordan and the Gaza Strip or the 2011 revolt against Assad's rule in Syria.

"An uprising by Palestinian Arabs (in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) against Israel in the late 1980s and again in 2000."

The key phrases here are "violent resistance," "perceived oppression," and "Israeli occupation," the first being justified by people ignorant of history, and the others being ignored by those same people, thus in their minds justifying the first.

The Palestinian people have never been oppressed by Israel. In fact, the Palestinians in Gaza were given their complete freedom/separation from Israel in 2006. They proceeded to elect a terrorist organization as their government. That act is where the oppression began, but the oppression was by Hamas.

When the Israelis left Gaza they left behind the ability for Gazans to grow their own food (greenhouses), a water supply and a power supply. The Gazan people possessed the ability to support themselves - until their newly elected government allowed those systems to fail.

Palestinians have long had the freedom to leave Gaza - at least until October 7, 2023. They could work in Israel, shop in Israel, seek medical attention, and even live there. They choose to remain in the cesspool (of their own making) that is Gaza. But they believe they have a right to the entire country that is Israel. Except the Jews, historically, have been there far longer.

The Jews were conquered many times in history but the land has been theirs since the time of Abraham and, more recently, since Moses led them out of Egypt in 1300 BC. It's the main reason the land was given back to them in 1948.

Historically, the Palestinians have never had a valid claim on the land that is now Israel. History shows that the Philistines arrived from the Aegean region and settled on the Southern coast of Judea (Gaza) in 1100 BC. As they spread their wings militarily they were defeated by David (who slayed Goliath) in 1020 BC.

The Philistines were still in Gaza while the Jews controlled the rest of the area. The Romans took the region in 63 BC. When the Romans put down the Judean revolt in 132 AD, they renamed the area Palestine (after the Philistines) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel.

Despite what modern, left-wing, revisionist history teaches, historic timelines verify that the land of modern day Israel was controlled by the Jews far longer than any Palestinian claim. Young people today are being taught false history in school, and they demonstrate it on a regular basis. It's truly a sad world when people worldwide support murder and butchery because they're simply ignorant of the truth.

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