Friday, July 17, 2020

The Left Is Changing America - And Not For The Better

Gotta love liberals who vilify and boycott a minority owned and operated company and its minority CEO. The crime? Praising President Trump while he (the CEO) was a guest at the White House. Civility has apparently been removed from the left-wing playbook and been replaced with destruction of anyone who does not publicly share the left-wing ideology. The recent Goya controversy demonstrates that perfectly.

Before President Trump was elected Americans were able to speak openly about their beliefs, popular or not, without fear of reprisal. Today, thanks to radical left-wing ideology and the accompanying anarchy, you can be murdered merely for daring to utter "All lives matter." You can lose your job for trying to be inclusive of all people, as in the case of the art curator who was run out of his position for saying publicly that his museum would still feature white artists along with artists of color.

You can resign your job as a writer/reporter for not leaning far enough to the left. Take columnist Bari Weiss, who was hired by the New York Times to bring outside opinions and topics to the slowly failing paper. She resigned this week saying basically that instead of the Times promoting different ideas, discussion and dialogue, they push their opinion on people.

"Truth (at the Times) isn't a process of collective discovery," Weiss wrote in her resignation letter, "but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else."

Granted, Weiss resigned of her own volition. But she did so because her articles didn't fit the Times' adopted, far-left agenda. In her letter she stated she was called a Nazi and a racist by her "enlightened" coworkers. Who would want to continue working under those conditions?

2020. Enter the age of the "cancel culture." The left has adopted a seek and destroy attitude against those who dare to disagree with them. "You are entitled to your opinion," they will say. "But don't you dare say it publicly or we'll take you down - first with insults and personal attacks, then, depending on your status in the country, with an all out attack to shut you up." Even some celebrities are participating in this. And no one who doesn't conform is safe.

I believe America has been permanently changed. If the left takes control of the government in January the anarchy will continue unchecked, or at least until the new liberal government gives them what they want. The rioters have tasted blood. They're not going to stop feasting voluntarily.

If President Trump gets reelected the anarchy will only increase until he decides to put an end to it with force. If that happens things will get really ugly before they get better. But if Trump is in a second term he has nothing to lose politically. With so many liberal mayors and governor's allowing the destruction and assaults to continue, federal law enforcement intervention will likely be the best and most viable option to restore order and the rule of law. Otherwise I see fed up patriots getting involved.

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