Saturday, June 29, 2019

Dear Megan Rapinoe....

Like other professional athletes you play a game for a living. You like to pretend that what you do is important but in the long run, if you look at it realistically, what you do doesn't really contribute anything to society rather than a little entertainment for a handful of people.

You say you won't go to the White House if invited. And? Do you think anyone but you is going to care? It won't affect the President or nearly 100% of Americans. Oh, sure... the media will be all over it. But at the end of the day no one is going to lose sleep over it.

You say you kneel and/or ignore the national anthem to protest against President Trump. Guess what? The national anthem isn't about President Trump. It's about the great nation that gave you the opportunity to be the international celebrity you are today. But still you are, when all is said and done, a woman who plays a game for a living. Granted, you play it well. But you contribute nothing to society.

As a veteran and someone who served his country (including you) for 30 years I'm offended by your selfish behavior. You dishonor the country that you play for even as you take a paycheck that is, at least partly, paid by me. You are the epitome of self righteousness. "Look at me - I'm important" is your attitude. This narrative, when finished, will be the only attention I give you. And I'm giving you this attention only to tell you I think you're acting like an arrogant and petulant child.

Apparently some of your teammates are inheriting your arrogance. I read yesterday that two of them stated publicly that employers should give their employees time off to watch the games. Really? That's just stupid. It's a game. It's not going to change world affairs. It's not going to fix hunger or poverty. It's not going to stop nuclear proliferation. It's not going to solve the homeless problem or stop illegal immigration. It's going to entertain some Americans for a short time. And I'm not one of them.

Do the country a favor and just shut up. Not going to the White House is your choice. And your childish attitude about it doesn't surprise me. But guess what? No one really cares. Play your game, win if you can, and stop dishonoring the country that pays your salary. Otherwise - quit.

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