Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Donald Trump's Surprising First Year

So with the first year of the Trump Presidency over, I must say he's doing a far better job than I expected when I voted for him. He was not my first choice candidate. In fact, the only reason I voted for him was to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House. That I just couldn't stomach.
But surprisingly, Trump has not only kept most of his campaign promises but he has done good things for the country all around. Employment is up. Wages are up. The markets are going crazy. Manufacturing is returning to the United States. Illegal border crossings are down. MS-13 is being rounded up nationwide. And the Gross Domestic Product is over 3% for the first time in 13 years.
Trump pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accord and the Trans Pacific Partnership (and rightly so) and is renegotiating NAFTA - making things fair for the United States.
He cut taxes for most middle class Americans and, in so doing, got rid of the health insurance mandate put in place by President Obama. He's working to stop illegal immigration, chain migration and the diversity lottery, moving instead toward a merit based immigration system.
He has deported 36% more criminal illegal aliens than occurred in 2016.
He is in the process of draining the swamp, as he promised, beginning with the FBI and Justice Department. The Clinton Foundation and "pay to play" is under investigation, as are her emails.
He appointed Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, giving it a conservative majority again.
Sure - there are things about him I don't like. I don't like the fact that he doesn't have a screener for his Twitter account. I don't always like the things that come out of his mouth or his fingers. But he is who he is and as long as he continues to bring positive growth and positive changes to the country I'll back him all the way.
There is something on the internet every day asking "Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?"
My answer to that question is always "It's too soon to know that." But given what I've seen over the last year I am leaning toward it. If our economy is booming in 2020, more people are working and have more money in their pockets, and the country has been made stronger and safer with the building up of our military, I see no reason not to do just that.
Of course - if you only watch the main stream media you don't really know about all thing things I'm talking about because they don't report things that go against their agenda of hating Trump and wanting him out of office. My wife had a conversation with someone like that this morning. The woman hadn't heard of any good thing Trump has done. Sad. Imagine what Trump could accomplish if the establishment Republicans and some of the Democrats would work with him instead of against him all the time.

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