Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Are The Terrorists Winning?

In an interesting and alarming move over the weekend, President Obama ordered as many as 21 U.S. embassies closed throughout the Middle East, Africa and Asia due to apparently real terrorist threats.  State Department officials released a statement that says "Current information suggests that al Qaeda and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond, and that they may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August."

Wait…  what?  Al Qaeda?  As recently as January of this year the President said Al Qaeda was “close to being dismantled” and “on the run.”  Now he’s closing embassies because of Al Qaeda threats.  Hmmm…  seems to me there’s some exaggeration or outright lies about Al Qaeda coming from the White House.

In the last couple of weeks there have been three prison breaks in Iraq, Libya and Pakistan which are believed to be Al Qaeda supported.  They have been all but ignored by the mainstream media.  Nearly 2000 inmates, among them former top officials of Al Qaeda, escaped from prisons in all three countries.  These escapes, along with the final days of Ramadan and intercepted chatter of terrorist threats, combined and convinced the President to close the embassies for security reasons.

After the fiasco that was the Benghazi incident, I guess the President isn’t taking chances.  I’m glad he’s keeping our embassies and staff safe however – are we now going to let terrorist threats rule our lives and shut down our government agencies?  If so – they have won.

Some people will probably take this the wrong way but I’m going to say it anyway.  (Surprised?)  I don’t want any Americans to be killed in our embassies.  I don’t want our embassies to be attacked.  But are we really going to allow Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations to make us cower with their threats?  Are we going to provide security for our embassies and keep them open or close them every time Al Qaeda tells us to?  Or are we going to do what Al Qaeda wants and close them permanently – removing U.S. presence from the Middle East? 

The White House doesn’t seem to be interested in providing security for our embassies adequate enough to defend them against attack.  Ambassador Chris Stevens requested increased security for the consulate in Benghazi and was denied by someone high up in the State Department.  And we all know how that worked out. 

The White House and State Department still don’t want to talk about Benghazi or reveal the truth about the incident – even though there are some real investigative journalists out there who are digging for the truth.  There are rumors that the CIA and Ambassador Stevens were involved in a gun running operation to Syrian rebels that moved weapons through Libya and Turkey into Syria.  CIA employees are being threatened not to talk while civilian witnesses to the incident are being kept hidden.

In an article this morning it is being reported that White House reporters aren’t asking questions about Benghazi anymore because they fear losing their access to the White House Press Corps.  That should alarm anyone and everyone.  If you ask a question the White House doesn’t like you get removed from the Press Corps?  Amazing.

When the United States of America bows to and/or cowers in front of terrorists we cease to be the United States of America.  We are (or were) the greatest superpower on the Earth.  Not only do we help maintain peace and stability in many parts of the world but we are the most generous with our money and resources than any other country.  Many nations of the world depend on us to maintain that status. 

In 2010, President Obama told the members of a nuclear conference “Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”  What kind of Commander-in-Chief, President, and world leader says something like that?  “Like it or not?”  One would think a true leader would be happy to be the most feared and respected nation in the world.  But President Obama isn’t a true leader.  He seems to have sinister ideas about making America weaker and more in line with other countries in the world.  Why else would he say that America is the greatest country in the world and then say he wants to “fundamentally change it.”  Why would you make fundamental changes, changes to the core of the nation, if it’s the greatest in the world?

If we’re going to remain a world leader I think it’s imperative that Barack Obama get out of the White House and even more imperative that Hillary Clinton doesn’t ever make it there.  There are millions of people out there who are already wanting Hillary for President in 2016.  And those people are simply ignoring the abhorrent job she did as Secretary of State – particularly her handling of Benghazi and the aftermath.  The lies and cover-ups by Clinton, Obama, Jay Carney, Susan Rice and others should preclude Hillary Clinton from ever attaining the oval office.  If that happens, I will probably witness the fall of the United States in my lifetime.

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