Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Republicans/Conservatives Hate Women!

Republicans and Conservatives (and anyone else who leans more to the right politically than to the left) hate women. It’s a fact. I know it’s true because Democrats and liberals of all political views have been saying so for the last few weeks, since the free birth control issue arose.

We (R&Cs) want to control women’s reproductive systems to the point where we (R&Cs) have the only say in how they care for their bodies, when they’ll have children and how many they’ll have, and whether or not they can even use birth control. It’s all up to the R&Cs. Oh – and we also want them all in the kitchen barefoot (and pregnant only when we decide it’s right.)

You may think I exaggerate but I had someone tell me this almost word for word last week. So it must be true. This all stems from the fact that R&Cs (for the most part) believe women should pay for their own birth control since having sex is a choice and we tend to believe in personal responsibility over more government entitlements. If women nationwide were forced to have sex on a regular basis and the law allowed it then we might be more inclined to agree with free contraceptives. But aside from violent criminal acts, this is not the case. Sex is a choice. Why should the general public or insurance companies be forced by the government to give them protection for something they choose to do? And let’s not talk about Sandra Fluke, the student at Georgetown University who claims she and her friends simply can’t afford birth control to cover their sexual escapades.

I was thinking about it yesterday and figured out that conservative/Republican women who are against free birth control must also hate women. Being an advocate for personal responsibility means you hate people, whether it’s birth control or any other government entitlement. Not wishing to provide women (and college students) free birth control obviously indicates that you simply hate women to the point that you don’t want them to have any fun. So R&C women hate women as well. In fact, they’d all join the “He-man Woman Haters Club” if they could but obviously they can’t… they’re women.

Oh, I understand the argument that birth control is medicinal and that some women need it for medical reasons. And those arguments are true for some women. (“Some” being the key word.) But let’s face facts – we’re not talking about medicinal reasons in the case of Sandra Fluke, are we? She made it pretty clear. Insurance covers birth control prescribed for medical reasons. Some even pay for birth control as part of their coverage. But now, since all R&Cs (even the women) hate women they’ll work with the insurance companies to stop that, you can bet.

Then there’s the argument that paying for birth control is less expensive than paying for unwanted babies. That may be a true statement but let’s face it – Democrats and Liberals (D&Ls) have no problem at all aborting babies. In fact – if we prevent all unwanted pregnancies what would happen to Planned Parenthood? Think of all the abortion providers and counselors who would be out of work. We can’t have that. How would the left ever explain it to all those unemployed people?

Bottom line is that medical contraceptives have been around since the early 60s and have been available and affordable in clinics for a few decades. Does it stop unwanted pregnancy? Only in some cases. So if the government mandates free birth control and women don’t use it and still get pregnant can we punish them in some way (in addition to them being “punished with a baby”? Let’s not forget that awesome Presidential quote.) Can we put them in jail for not using their government mandated birth control? Nah… we’ll simply increase their government entitlements and probably blame the insurance companies because, after all, they provided the ineffective birth control.

R&Cs don’t hate women. We simply believe that personal responsibility should take precedence over the government endorsing and/or financing reckless behavior. But then, controlling, and taking responsibility for, one’s actions seem to be conservative things rather than liberal. Therein lies a large part of the problem.

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