Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Obamacare creating jobs...

In direct rebuke of Republican criticism the Obama administration has created jobs in this country. Maybe the word hasn’t gotten out yet:

The Internal Revenue Service says it will need a battalion of 1,054 new auditors and staffers and new facilities at a cost to taxpayers of more than $359 million in fiscal 2012 just to watch over the initial implementation of President Obama's healthcare reforms. Among the new corps will be 81 workers assigned to make sure tanning salons pay a new 10 percent excise tax. Their cost: $11.5 million.

This doesn't even take into account the hundreds that will be required to build the new facilities, the IT specialists that will be necessary to get everyone up online in time to go to work, and the cleaning crews, mechanical crews, etc., for the new buildings.

The IRS document also noted that other tax law changes related to the stimulus require more workers, estimated at about 215 new employees.

See there? The Obama administration has created a minimum of 1,269 jobs already just to handle the new taxes they have created. Isn't it wonderful how raising taxes can put people back to work? Interesting though how the new jobs are all with the Federal government. Just think how many more jobs can be created but Obamacare…

Here’s a question we need to be asking about the new health care law. Will doctors and their staff all become Federal employees? If not, how will the government force doctors to treat patients who will have a right to health care if the doctors don’t want to cooperate?

According to something I read recently, Canada has a single payer system rather than a socialist medical system, which means rather than getting paid by various insurance companies they get paid by the government and also collect from the individual patients. So Canada basically subsidizes each citizen’s health care.

Many doctors in the U.S. are saying they will have to stop seeing as many patients, particularly Medicare and Medicaide patients, because the government is going to cut payments to them. If this happens, how are we saving anything?

I began thinking of this after reading a comment following an article about health care. The comment basically said people have no right to the labor of others, meaning people don't have the right to force a doctor to see them. If health care becomes a right, will doctors be jailed and charged for refusing to see a patient? After all, if health care is a right, anyone denying that health care would be violating the civil rights of others.

My "socialist" friend said if police, firefighters, and the military have to serve the public then medical people will too. I had to remind him that all of those he mentioned are paid by the government so it was a completely different thing. His response was that all medical staff could become Federal employees and we could pay them with all the "savings" the more efficient health care business will generate. And what we can't get that way we'll make up by taxing the rich.

If health care workers become Federal employees it will increase the size of government by millions of people. How people still believe it will be cheaper is beyond me. According to the article about Canada, many people don’t pay much at all in health care costs because their coverage is paid mostly by their employer. But isn’t employee based health care one of the things the government is trying to get rid of? My socialist friend says people who have health care supplied (at a more affordable cost) by their employer are slaves to the employer and/or that it’s feudalism. But at the same time he praises the Canadian system.

Contradictions abound.

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