Friday, June 16, 2017

Those Terrorists Aren't Islamic.... (Unless You Try To Ban Them From Entering The Country, That Is)

Did you ever notice that when you talk about the violence that is inherent in Islam, when you see the killings of innocents at the hands of violent Muslim extremists, when you see the reports of unspeakable horrors committed by ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, etc., the Muslim community, politically correct politicians, and the left in general begin screaming “That's not Islam. Those people committing those acts, even if they do quote the Quran and scream “Alahu Ackbar”, they're not Islamic. Islam is a religion of peace. Don't lump all of Islam into the same category with these groups.”

And yet, when the President of the United States issues a travel ban from six countries known worldwide to harbor and promote Islamic terrorism; a means of preventing at least some members of these violent groups from entering the United States without an extreme vetting process in place to protect American citizens from the dangers that terrorists will bring into the country, suddenly all of those same people stand in solidarity and say “You are trying to ban all Muslims from entering the country!”

According to what I've read, there are about 100 Muslim majority countries in the world today. (In 2010 there were only 62.) That leaves 94 Muslim countries from which travel to the United States will still be allowed. So for my left-leaning friends who call it a Muslim ban, could you try to explain how 6% actually equals 100%? Perhaps it's Common Core math but I'd really like to understand.

Wednesday was the one year anniversary of the Pulse Night Club shooting in Orlando, Florida, by an apparently radicalized Muslim named Omar Mateen. There is no mention in any of the news articles I've read about the incident, not even Fox, that says anything about Mateen other than he was the shooter. It's as if his statements, his ties to Islam, his visits to radical Muslim web pages on the internet, no longer exist. Today he is but “the gunman.”

Political correctness under the Obama administration has caused many Americans to simply overlook the Muslim connection when it comes to terrorism. Whether or not Obama believes radical Islam to be Islamic, the terrorists believe it. And they use it to justify the senseless and brutal murders of tens of thousands of innocent people a year. (The growth of ISIS has greatly raised that number.)

We have Muslim clerics going on international television calling for the overthrow of the Western world. There are places in Europe that have become “No Go” areas – places within cities that police do not enter because of Islam and Sharia control of the areas. And Dearborn, Michigan, is close to having one of those.

Thank God we finally have a President who refuses to coddle Islam, refuses to bow to political correctness, and refuses to bow to the will of the left - who calls Muslim terrorism what it is.

There is a story in the “Clarion Project” that says one of the perpetrators of the recent bridge attack in London was radicalized by listening to the hate filled, radical rants of Ahmad Musa Jibril, a Muslim cleric right here in the good ol' USA. Jibril lives and preaches in Michigan but puts his radical ideas online. Radicalized mosques in the United States, once identified, should be closed.

Political correctness will be the death of the United States of America. If one takes a good, hard look at Europe with open eyes they will see what will one day happen here if we continue to coddle Islam in the name of political correctness.

Democrats Remorseful Following Wednesday's Shooting.... Not

When Jared Loughner shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords at a public event in Tucson several years ago the left-wing media, Democrats, President Obama, and the left in general blamed right-wing rhetoric, even singling out Sarah Palin for her comment about reloading instead of retreating if things got tough. Obama addressed the nation and said we needed to "tone down the rhetoric," meaning the shooting was the fault of the Republicans because of their statements.

Fast forward to 2016. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's running mate said during the campaign that Democrats need to "fight Republicans in the streets." So far in 2017 we've had a 'comedian' pretend to behead President Trump,  a rap  star pretending to shoot the President, a play in New York showing Trump being killed by his own staff, and countless celebrities denouncing Trump - some saying he should be taken out and one saying she wanted to "blow up the White House."

So on Wednesday, when a crazed Democrat, armed with a rifle and looking for Republican House members, went on a Republican shooting spree it was nice to see the leadership on the left take responsibility and tell their constituents to tone down their rhetoric that could be fueling the violent acts being committed.

Yeah right... in a perfect world. In reality, leaders on the left blame Donald Trump and the Republicans for the violence the left is wreaking on the right. Nancy Pelosi is apparently outraged by the fact that Republicans are, in part, blaming Democrats for the violent rhetoric coming from the left that certainly could be a factor for the shooter on Wednesday.

So when a Democrat gets shot (by a registered Democrat) the left blames "right-wing violent rhetoric." And when a Republican gets shot by a Democrat, who has voiced his hatred for Trump and the Republican Party very clearly, the Democrats blame Trump and Republicans for the left-wing violent rhetoric.

Sure, that makes sense, right?

Yesterday, CBS anchor Scott Pelley blamed Donald Trump's tweets about the main stream media for the violence. Pelley cited one tweet in particular.

"The FAKE NEWS media (failing , , , , ) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!"

How Pelley decided that this tweet made a crazed Bernie supporter want to shoot Republicans is beyond my grasp.

Disgraced former South Carolina governor turned U.S. Representative, Mark Sanford, also blamed Trump. He cited a statement by Trump during his campaign when Trump said he'd like to punch a protester in the face. Sanford, who suffered through a rocky governorship when it was discovered he had a mistress, also said Trump's statement about paying a supporter's legal bills if one of them punched the protester in the face. Again - how did that influence the shooter in any way?

More likely the shooter was influenced by the rhetoric from the left and by some of the internet groups he followed.

James Hodgkinson's choice of Facebook Groups are telling. He followed:

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Republicans
Join The Resistance Worldwide!!
Rachel Maddow For President 2020
The Democrats

He was also a member of the group "Terminate The Republican Party" and "I Hate Donald Trump."

I'd say that's enough reason to believe he was influenced by his own kind rather than the Republicans.

Twitter erupted with left-wing hatred following the shooting, with many liberals not only supporting Hodgkins' actions but praising him and voicing their wishes that he could have wounded or killed more Republicans. Tweets such as these below went on throughout the day.

The Only Good Fascist is a Dead One.”

“That’s a Shame but babies blown to bits at Sandy Hook was worse and Scalise takes money from the @NRA”

“If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP leadership considered self defense?”

“If KKK support Steve Scalise dies, the shooter deserves a holiday, true leadership. Now the trumps, kush, & miller need to be transitioned.”

One Republican representative has even received death threats via letter.

Hey liberals... hate much?

It seems the Democrats in Washington have backed off of the rhetoric for now. But I have yet to see them call for their constituents nationwide to do the same. They just don't have it in them to say "The violent rhetoric on our side may have influenced the shootings on Wednesday and we need to stop it and return to civility. We are all Americans."

Not going to hold my breath for that...

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Big Brother Is Watching In Canada

Ontario Province in Canada recently passed a law that gives the state the authority to remove a child from the household if parents refuse to acknowledge and/or accommodate the child's gender identity or gender expression.

Let that sink in. If a 2 year old boy decides he wants to wear his sister's clothing and act like a girl, parents in Ontario must allow and encourage it or the child can be taken from them by the government.

The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017, also know as Bill 89, was passed in Ontario by a vote of 63 to 23, The Christian Times reported.

“I would consider that a form of abuse, when a child identifies one way and a caregiver is saying no, you need to do this differently” said Minister of Child and Family Services Michael Coteau. Coteau introduced the bill.

“If it’s abuse, and if it’s within the definition, a child can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops.”

If you're a parent in Ontario and your child says he or she identifies as the opposite gender, you can't even consult a mental health professional since that would be showing disagreement and lack of support for your child's expression. I wonder if mental health professionals are now bound to report any parents who present their child for mental health evaluation following an expression of different gender...? It seems logical that the state would go that far if they passed this law.

Under the old law parents were encouraged to “direct the child’s education and religious upbringing.”
The new law greatly restricts the actions of parents as it emphasizes a “child’s identity and allows parents only to “direct the child or young person’s education and upbringing, in accordance with the child’s or young person’s creed, community identity and cultural identity.”

In other words, the child now gets to tell the parents how they will raise him/her.

Not everyone agrees.

“With the passage of Bill 89, we’ve entered an era of totalitarian power by the state, such as never witnessed before in Canada’s history, says Jack Fonseca, political strategist for Campaign Life Coalition. “Make no mistake - Bill 89 is a grave threat to Christians and all people of faith who have children, or who hope to grow their family through adoption.”

And talk about Big Brother. In April, child services in Ontario, Canada, got made headlines when they removed to young girls from their foster home because the Christian foster parents refused to lie to the girls and tell them that the Easter Bunny was real.

Derek Baars, one of the foster parents, said they were told by the agency that they must lie to the girls, ages three and four, because the Easter Bunny is part of Canadian culture. When the Baars refused to comply the girls were removed from the home.

I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before these types of things happen here. It won't happen under the current administration but if liberals ever take control of the government it's inevitable. After all –it's Hillary Clinton who believes it takes a village to raise a child.