It now must return to the Senate. Harry Reid has already said he will not allow it to pass if the ACA isn't funded and the President has said he will veto any bill that defunds or delays it - even though he himself has delayed several portions of it himself. I guess if it's going to be delayed it can only be done by the President and no one else, regardless of how bad it is for the country and the people.
There are so many sad and pathetic things going on with this law right now I hardly know where to start. The Democrats and the President are talking about shutting down the government next week if the House doesn't pass the continuing resolution. But they won't entertain the idea of defunding Obamacare even for the short time covered by the bill. Instead they will shut down the government in an attempt to get their way. And they're blaming the Republicans.
President Obama has stated over and over that he wants to work with Republicans. This is his chance to work out a major deal on something very important - and he refuses to negotiate. He spent time negotiating with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani - the first American President to speak directly with an Iranian President in 34 years. (Obama apparently didn't negotiate the release of Saeed Abedini, the Christian pastor being held in prison by the Iranian government.) But he won't negotiate with Republicans about funding the government. It's his way or nothing. So much for wanting to "work with Republicans."
The President also wants to raise the debt ceiling again. In 2006, then Senator Barrack Obama said “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. ... I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”
And during his campaign in 2008 he made this little remark about the debt: "We now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man woman and child. That's irresponsible, that's unpatriotic."
Now guess who's asking to raise the debt ceiling for the second time during his Presidency? Last Monday he urged lawmakers to raise the debt ceiling without conditions - which would give him the authority to spend whatever amount he wants. He says raising the debt ceiling won't increase the debt. That's like saying if you give a kid a bigger allowance he won't necessarily spend it. Right. I guess raising the debt and the debt ceiling is only irresponsible, unpatriotic and a failure of leadership when you're not President. Apparently, when you become President it's the right thing to do...?
But silly me - the debt that has nearly doubled under Obama is the fault of the Republicans too. Liberals said so.
Yesterday, NBC's Ed Schultz said the only reason Republicans are trying to defund Obamacare is because of "serious racism." I'm not sure why anyone listens to Ed Schultz anyway but this racism rhetoric is getting old. Some Democrats have realized this and they are now switching over to calling the Republicans "terrorists" instead. Nothing worse than a racist terrorist, I guess.
The Obama Presidency is failing and it's not because of Republicans. It's because his policies don't work and the liberal Democrats support them anyway. Democrats should have found a candidate with some leadership skills and experience. They chose "hope and change" and that change isn't working out for the better.
And no - for anyone who may be thinking that I oppose Obama because he's black - that's not the reason. I oppose Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid... and the list goes on. It's not about race - it's about what's best for the country. And liberalism is just not what's best.