Thursday, January 2, 2025

Will The Hatred Increase?

It appears the exploding Tesla truck outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas was an intentional detonation. The truck was loaded with firework mortars and fuel cannsters and appears to have been detonated by the driver. The truck was rented through the same app as the truck in New Orleans. 

In comments on various articles about the incident, people are saying "This is a perfect example of what's going to happen with Trump in office." These comments could come from either side. Trump haters and leftists in general believe Trump's presidency will be evil, and possibly violent. They blame Trump himself.

Trump supporters understand that any violence directed at the Trump administration, and the U.S. in general, will come from two major sources... American leftists and radical Islam. Leftists hate Trump because he stands for everything they hate: pro-life, free speech, two genders, protection of women from sexually confused men, legal immigration, etc. Muslims hate him because he doesn't tolerate their violence - he eliminates it. ISIS all but disappeared under Trump, only to resurge under the Biden administration.

I personally believe in the next four years America will see a large increase of open hatred from the left, directed at Trump and his supporters. From left-wing politicians to the obviously hate-filled left-wing media, this country, in my opinion, is going to be more divided than ever... and likely more violent. I hope I'm wrong... but the left's response to Trump's reelection, so far, seems to point in that direction.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Coyote Principle


I didn't write this, but I wish I had.

“The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor’s dog, then bites the Governor.

“The Governor starts to intervene but reflects upon the movie “Bambi” and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural.

“He calls animal control. Animal Control captures the coyote and bills the state $200 for testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.

“He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 for testing it for diseases.

“The Governor goes to a hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and on getting his bite wound bandaged.

“The running trail gets shut down for 6 months while Fish & Game conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous animals.

“The Governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a “coyote awareness program” for residents of the area.

“The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.

“The Governor’s security agent is fired for not stopping the attack. The state spends $150,000 to hire and train a new agent with additional special training for the nature of coyotes.

“PETA protests the coyote’s relocation and files a $5 million lawsuit against the state.”

Meanwhile in Texas:

“The Governor of Texas is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks his dog.

“The Governor shoots the coyote with his state-issued pistol and keeps jogging.

“The Governor has spent $.50 on a .45ACP hollow point cartridge.

“The buzzards eat the dead coyote…”

“And that, my friends, is why California is broke and Texas is not.”

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Disturbing Reactions to Murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO


The murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson has brought out unexpected reactions from some Americans. At least I didn't expect them.

Many people, including at least one former Washington Post personality, expressed happiness and even "joy" about the murder. How far have we fallen as a people when cold blooded murder on a city street is celebrated?

Brian Thompson was named CEO of UnitedHealthcare in April of 2021, after working for over 15 years in various executive positions in the company. UnitedHealthcare has been criticized as of late for denying insurance claims. Some people, including Thompson's killer, apparently blame Thompson for any and all issues they have with the company. They praise the murder as a good thing, somehow.

The alleged killer was captured in a McDonald’s in Altoona, Pennsylvania, after a customer recognized him from the TV coverage and called police. People on social media have called that customer a "rat," and a "snitch," for getting a murder suspect off the street. I hope they never lose someone they love to a murderer.

Healthcare CEO or not, Brian Thompson didn't deserve his fate on that street at the hands of that angry young man. He was a family man, leaving behind a wife and two sons. The ages of the boys have not been revealed, leaving one to believe they are minors who must finish growing up without their father. In a telephone interview, his wife said Thompson had reported getting death threats.

No one deserves to be murdered because of an issue with a corporation. No one should be murdered over a dispute, period. But those celebrating it are difficult for me to understand. Murder has never been acceptable in a civilized society. Those who celebrate this incident need to take a long, hard look in the mirror and examine what's inside them.

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Some Things About Which Trump Was Correct

I was listening to the radio yesterday and the host listed things that Donald Trump said during and after his first term that the left said was wrong, stupid, even ridiculous... that turned out to be true. They rattled of a list. Here are some that have absolutely been proved:

The FBI spied on his campaign. Using false information, the FBI obtained warrants from the FISA Court to spy on Carter Page, who worked for the Trump campaign at the time. The left-wing media decried this as absurd... but it was eventually proved to be true.

The Hunter Biden laptop was real. So real, in fact, the government used it as evidence against him in his illegal firearm purchase case.

Russia collusion was a hoax... just as Trump said. The media and Adam Schiff pushed it as genuine for years - Schiff even after it had been debunked. (The people of Commifornia just promoted Schiff to Senator. SMH)

The Steele dossier was fake and purchased by the Hillary Clinton campaign. 

The Covid virus originated in the biolab in Wuhan, China. The left fought this notion for several years... but Trump was right.

The Covid virus overall mortality rate was less than 1%. Trump said it early on, based on experts he communicated with. He was vilified for it. The World Health Organization modified their numbers from 3.4% to less than 1% in late 2022. Trump was right again.

Trump was correct when he said Hydroxichloroquin works for Covid. Although the Biden administration colluded with social media (proven fact) to censor that information as false, many doctors successfully used the drug to treat Covid.

Lockdowns didn't work. This was called just one of Trump's opinions, but time proved him to be correct. States that did not lock down did far better overall during the pandemic.

Closing schools was a mistake. Again, time proved that children suffered greatly from schools being closed for extended periods, particularly since research showed children had an extremely low mortality rate from Covid.

Trump has been correct all along about the border crisis and the fact that the Biden administration reversed everything Trump did to greatly reduce the number of people crossing the Southern border illegally. Illegal border crossings skyrocketed under the Biden administration. 


Anyone is welcome to fact check me. I do my research, as those who know me understand.

Oh... Trump was right about one other thing. He said he would be our next President...

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Let The Hatred Of Nancy Mace Begin


A victim of rape when she was 16, Nancy Mace doesn't believe she should have to share the women's bathroom with biological males. It's the same issue that has come up in public schools, elementary through high school, and in our universities. And the answers are always the same. 

Most Republicans/conservatives believe the science that men cannot become women by having surgeries and getting hormone injections. It's impossible to change DNA and chromosomes. That's just fact.

Honest leftists understand that but most believe that ignoring the mental illness in support of the feelings of those men take precedence over the science. Even some women believe that. Some believe biological males should not only be allowed to share bathrooms with biological females, but they should be allowed to play girl's/women's sports and share girl's/women's locker rooms.

Biological girls and women are not only being cheated out of sports titles when they're forced to compete against men, but are also being injured... some seriously.

It's still unbelievable to me that so-called feminists mostly ignore this issue, instead focusing their "equality" efforts on the right to abort babies. Abortion seems to be the number one issue of feminists these days. Funny thing is - abortion is not an equal rights with men thing. Men can't get pregnant. And "pregnant trans men" is not actually a thing. Only women have uteri. Again... scientific fact

God bless and protect Nancy Mace. She's already being threatened by men who want to use the ladies room. Women have a right to feel safe in the most private of public places. 

Does Matt Gaetz Have a Chance?

The House Ethics Committee, an oxymoron in and of itself, is deciding whether or not to release its report on an investigation of Matt Gaetz over allegations out of Florida. Those allegations were investigated by Merrick Garland's FBI and the Florida Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Both agencies closed their investigations without charges being filed, saying there was insufficient evidence to show a crime was committed and that the witnesses were inconsistent and not credible.

The Ethics Committee has investigated Gaetz and, now that he's been nominated by Trump for Attorney General, is debating the report's release even after Gaetz resigned from his Congressional seat. I am curious about what's in the report. If they reached the same conclusion as the FBI and the Florida BCI, then it's no problem. If they say they found concrete evidence of criminal activity either they're better investigators than the two investigative agencies, which I find difficult to believe, or, because they are not law enforcement officials, their burden of proof is far less than what is required by law enforcement. 

One thing is certain... there are Republicans in the House who hate Matt Gaetz because of the Kevin Mccarthy incident. Would they issue a report that might not be 100% accurate to get rid of him? I have no doubt whatsoever that the FBI did a very thorough investigation in an effort to hang an outspoken Republican out to dry. In the court of public opinion Matt Gaetz may be guilty as sin. But the Fifth Amendment "Due Process Clause" protects people from conviction without due process. "The government must follow proper procedures and not violate any Constitutional rights when seeking a conviction or that conviction will not stand."

Should the Committe report be released before Gaetz's confirmation hearing? I'll let you decide. For me the report is irrelevant. He was cleared by two top investigative agencies which, in my book, holds more weight than the House Ethics Committee. Do I trust the FBI in general? Not at all. But as I said - I believe their investigation against a Republican was in depth and complete. The Garland FBI would leave no stone unturned in their effort to hurt the Republicans. 

I have my doubts about Gaetz getting confirmed. According to news reports, at least eight Republican Senators have said they will not vote to confirm him. J.D. Vance is meeting with Senators this morning to talk about it. Let's see what happens.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Pete Hegseth for Defense Secretary? Absolutely.

Pete Hegseth has been criticized by the left for saying he believes women shouldn't be in active combat., meaning boots on the ground on the front lines.

What? How dare he think that??

Hegseth has also be deemed "not qualified" by the likes of John Bolton and the left.

NBC's Andrea Mitchell commented on Hegseth's comment one day, sharing her ignorance with the world. She asked, "What about women pilots in combat zones? Should they not be allowed to fight?"

If I could answer her I'd say, "Andrea... you really shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about. Pilots don't normally spend a lot of time in combat zones, and they don't put boots on the ground. They fly their missions and return to their support base. And that's not what Hegseth was talking about."

I honestly don't know any men who actually want women fighting on the front lines. It's not misogyny (a favorite word of the left) or cheauvinism. And it's not that men feel women aren't capable of holding their own.

I think part of it is protective instict. Men don't want to see their buddies get shot or blown up but even more - they don't want to see a woman get shot or blown up. That's just the way most men are designed.

There are obvious differences between most men and most women in size and strength, which can be very important depending on the situation. On November 13th, following a three-year review, the Army announced it has scrapped plans to use the same physical fitness test for all soldiers, choosing instead to have some reduced standards to allow women and older soldiers to pass. According to the study, 44% of women fail the test vs 7% of men.

When you lower standards so more people pass you lower fitness and readiness overall. That's just simple fact. 

The ban on women in combat roles was lifted in 2013. Hegseth hasn't indicated he has any plans to try getting that ban reinstated. But of course, that detail doesn't stop the left from screaming about it.

One thing many people don't understand is that diversity quotas... gender, ethnicity, sexual preference, skin color, etc., don't increase the efficiency or lethality of a fighting force. Fighting forces need to be cohesive and mission oriented, not separated by social differences. But in the last 15 years, social diversity has become a priority of the military. Hegseth wants to push things away from social issues and back toward readiness. And I agree with him.

I'm sure I'll get flak for my thoughts on this issue, even though I've offered no opinion on whether or not women should be in combat. They are already there. My opinion matters not. But it would be interesting to survey men who currently serve with women on the front lines to get their thoughts on the subject. That would show how the men feel about it and could possibly alleviate any concerns. Or it could prove to be problematic.

As for Hegseth's qualifications... he earned a Bachelor's Degree from Princeton and a Master's from Harvard. He served 21 years in the Minnesota National Guard, attaining the rank of Major. He was deployed both to Iraq and Afghanistan and has been awarded two bronze stars. (Donald Rumsfeld, who held the position of Defense Secretary twice, served three years in the Navy. Five former Defense Secretaries had no military experience whatsoever.)

He's qualified. Oh, wait... he hosts a show on Fox News! Oh, the humanity...!