Thursday, May 2, 2024

Good-bye First Amendment...?

This is a first for me.

I never thought I'd agree with Jerry Nadler or the ACLU... on anything. But on a recent bill being considered in the House, they are correct.

HR 6090, The "Antisemitism Awareness Act," is a bill aimed at curbing public expression, ostensibly on college campuses, of antisemitic and/or anti-Israel rhetoric.  It's a direct assault on the First Amendment. And it's being led and pushed by Republicans.

The points in this bill, some listed below, are adopted from the 
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) list of antisemitic acts. They are "a certain perception of Jews, often expressed as hatred toward Jews," which includes:

"Calling for, aiding or justifying the killing or harming of Jews;

"Making dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews or the power of Jews as a collective, such as the myth of a Jewish conspiracy or Jews controlling the media, economy, government, or other societal institutions;

"Holocaust denialism;

"Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel than to the interests of their own nation;

"Denying the Jewish people the right to self-determination. For example, claiming the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor (anti-Zionism); and

"Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis."

Anyone who understands and defends freedom of speech in the United States will understand that the language of this bill is too broad, and would put European style restrictions on our First Amendment rights. If you can be jailed for criticizing, defaming, insulting or otherwise disrespecting Jews in America, the First Amendment goes out the window.

Antisemitism is ugly and repugnant, just like racism. But the First Amendment gives every American the right to hate freely and to voice that hatred in a peaceful manner. We may not like it or condone it, but if it's outlawed we no longer have a Constitutional Republic. Some will say we already have lost our Republic, but this will definitely cement it. People in Europe get imprisoned for what is considered hate speech. It's never been that way here... until now?

Imagine going to prison simply for saying the Holocaust didn't happen or saying Jews control the media in this nation. Ignorant perhaps... but illegal? How far will it go after that?

The House passed the bill yesterday evening with a vote of 320 to 91. Twenty-one Republicans and 70 Democrats voted against it.

Republicans better be careful. Up until yesterday, Democrats were the ones working hard to reign in First Amendment rights. Now they've got the help of the Republicans.

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